Hello here some various random info about myself :
Some of my qt related projects :
But there is a fablab inauguration in my place next week And I wanted to demo the QtonPi project … but I have no device yet https://mobile.twitter.com/rzrfreefr/status/200929484772360192
I wish I could help to use Raspberry Pi target as a base for FreedomBox project (as presented at fosdem 2012) and if possible hack multimedia capabilities (audio, video and 3d) to use as a personal media terminal…
Also I also plan to provide packages ports for users, and help opensource software developers to build their package and provide some snapshot packages
I did that job on meego meego/harmattan and plan to help on based distros of rasperypi (Debian would be preferred but I can handle RPM too)
MisC :
http://rzr.online.fr/q/qt# quassel2go : Yet an other #IrC client for !n950club built for #HarmattaN supporting UnReliable connection #n9 too
I started it on n950
Install it using those instructions : http://rzr.online.fr/q/harmattan
OpenSource: https://gitorious.org/~rzr/quassel/quassel2go-rzr
Alternatives are there too : http://rzr.online.fr/q/irc
More :
QProcess on Windows - no readyRead until process is complete
MisC :
QtM :
OpenGl :
Graphics :
set PROJECT=mystuff set QMAKESPEC=win32-msvc qmake -project qmake qmake -t vcapp -o %PROJECT%.dsp %PROJECT%.pro
QT + OpenGL + Cygwin does not work :( http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.kde.devel.cygwin/1318
QT bug : fatal flex scanner internal error–end of buffer missed QThread object destroyed while thread is still running.
Could not download archive: http://download.qt-project.org/online/qtsdkrepository/linux_x64/desktop/qt5/qt.521.src.addons.qtgraphicaleffects/5.2.1qtgraphicaleffects-src.7z : Cannot download http://download.qt-project.org/online/qtsdkrepository/linux_x64/desktop/qt5/qt.521.src.addons.qtgraphicaleffects/5.2.1qtgraphicaleffects-src.7z: Writing to file '/tmp/remoterepo-bLTkle/qt.521.src.addons.qtgraphicaleffects/5.2.1qtgraphicaleffects-src.7z' failed: Unknown error
sudo mount -o remount,size=4000m /tmp
@TaG: KdE GtK CrossPlatform CrosS Humour GUI Desktop Programming kde nokia meego gl qml QtOnPi SymbiaN RedaK AndroiD PythoN CPlusPlus ArM RedaK HarmattaN QnX
Quotting quimgil “Except there is still maybe one possibility” in recent Q&A seesion (skip to 30:00) :)
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