Open Source should not be assimilated to LibreSoftware



corps / france


Richard Monson-Haefel says … So the price of freedom of expression for most, if not all, open source developers is well poverty. Ok, that's a bit of an exaggeration since a lot of open source developers have a day job, but that's just as telling. To do open source, you have to have a day job. You can't expect open source to feed your family or even your cat for that matter. As I said there are exceptions, but most open source developers do it for the love of writing software. While commercial software developers do a great job of feeding their families, open source developers do a better job of feeding their minds. In the end, you have to ask yourself which is more important: The things you own or freedoms you have.



@TaG: ClosedSource Libre GNU Source LicensE

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opensource.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/24 15:20 by rzr
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