sudo apt-get install x-server-base X -query ${REMOTE_HOST}
ToDo configure xdm ?
See IGP 320M for patched XServer binaries that supports 3D.
XFree 4.4 Licence :
… Stage #1: We (mostly I) will continue to backport bugfixes and features from this snapshot of XFree86 4.4.0RC2+(CVS)-(X-Oz) until a harder freeze is a declared on unstable. Debian sarge may very well end up with an XFree86 “4.3.0” that looks much more like XFree86 4.4.0. With regard to the ATI drivers, for example, it already does.
<stombi> Kernel 2.6.4 + xfree 4.3.0 +
[[dri]] radeon.o kernel module version is 1.9.0 but version 1.10.0 or newer is needed. [[dri]] Disabling DRI. atp-get install xlibmesa-gl1-dri-trunk xserver-xfree86-dri-trunk drm-trunk-module-src cd /usr/src/ tar xvzf drm-trunk-module.tar.gz cd /usr/src/linux make-kpkg modules_image dpkg -i drm-trunk-module....all.deb
turn off the backlight :
xset dpms force off # file:///~/.xsession # xset dpms 0 0 900
or use radeontool
To restore Resolution
xrandr -s 1024x768
mkdtemp: private socket dir