OwnCloud on my #DebiaN #NaS and SynC my CaL w/ HarmattaN HandSet. But how to keep Contacts out of the cloud ?
On ServeR :
sudo apt-get install owncloud # works also in testing
On HarmattaN N950 : start account apps just add :
Also I rebuild a WebDav client for harmattan :
apt-get update # 1st setup shared repo : apt-get install meedav
Setup :
TODO: It starts but does not connect here , can you double check ??
More ToDo :
FeedBack :
@More: SynC WebDav RSync TiZen HarmattaN
/opt/ownCloudMobileSync $ ./bin/ownCloudMobileSync file:///opt/ownCloudMobileSync/qml/ownCloudMobileSync/main.qml:2:1: module "" is not installed
DebiaN :
sudo apt-get install owncloud
sudo pecl install apc
sudo apt-get install lighttpd lighttpd.conf:3: "mod_fastcgi",
cat /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/owncloud.conf # Make ownCloud reachable under /owncloud #alias.url += ( "/owncloud/" => "/var/lib/owncloud/" ) alias.url += ( "/owncloud/" => "/usr/share/owncloud/" ) # Taken from, section "lighttpd": # As .htaccess files are ignored by lighttpd, you have to secure the /data # folder by yourself, otherwise your owncloud.db database and user data is # puplicly readable even if directory listing is off. $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/owncloud/data/" { url.access-deny = ("") } $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/owncloud($|/)" { dir-listing.activate = "disable" }
root@nas:/etc/lighttpd# ln -fs /usr/share/doc/owncloud/examples/lighttpd/owncloud.conf ./
root@nas:/etc/lighttpd# /etc/init.d/lighttpd restart
NgInx :
while ( dependence ) { autonomie-=((++dependence)<<1); }
Alt :
00:46 < rzr> paske si worldcompany veux pas filer les sources de leur box 00:46 < rzr> sous pretexte que la box est ds leur rezo 00:47 < rzr> du coup c plus ton nas , mais un cloud 00:49 < rzr> l equipement etant loin d etre juste passif 00:49 < rzr> elle peux dumper ton trafic eth , wifi ou micro audio et cam ?
@feedback :
DropBox :
“may sell, transfer or otherwise share some or all of its assets, including your Personal Information,”
MisC :