TRANSIG : testimonial on experience developing #Tizen app , synch'ing notes on #WebDav with #JavaScript (wip)
Transig is a tool to manage user's files (text, images, music etc) from a mobile phone and usea personnal cloud backend to store them…
Here are a few comments, I plan to reformat this into a tutorial.
More details up to come (sources, video, demos) on those URL :
Video :
<video src="" controls >
<iframe src="" width="200" height="350" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" style="display:none"></embed>
When tizen came up, I was quiet amazed on this new Linux Platform, coming from MeeGo, I expected to port some of my projects (Qt/Qml) to compare …
But unfortunately TiZen is so far restricted to HTML5/JavaScript API.
So I had to think about a new product, I wanted to dig into multimedia API but I felt I had a wait a bit to get them more mature…
Finally, I thought about creating a WebDav client to be manage my files…
First I created an HtmL file and started to code with in my favorite EditoR (EmacS)
I had some JavaScript KnowLedge since NetScape years, so It was quite easy to get familiar with JQuery, JS ApI : local storage XmlHttpRequest…
After synch'ing files on my private server, and tested it on TiZen's lb default WebBrowser,
It went working…
The final goal was to have a local app that can connect to any WebDav server so I did use the SDK to migrate my “webpage” into a tizen app…
This was pretty easy, just generate a default project and merge previously written code…
After upgraded SDK, updated time of target, deployment succeed. we're done
Here a few resources :
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
So far only the basic features are implemented, I guess I should spend more time on it before releasing a beta version of the product…
Anyway the project is opensource and welcome any review patches at the URL at the top
ToDo :
Using XmlHttpRequest in Tizen WebApps (from local file) puzzled me …
I was facing a major issue , it can be easily resolved by adding a single line to project's config.xml
<access origin="*" subdomains="true"/>
else you will face this kind of error message :
Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
Your webserver must also allow CORS too :
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
Simple as that I was thinking about running a local webserver would unblock this null's Origin restriction…
More :
Try to stick to standards as much as you can, since the devices are not in mass market.
Depending on a risky feature can be a problem (for a second I feared about XmlHttpRequest on local files but it's supported)
As said previously , create your project out of tizen and test it on your regular browser will save you deployment to target, once mature, you can integrate it into a tizen generated project.. and keep testing this on your desktop browser…
I was lazy to discover all EclipsE's features, and preferred my regular tools (EmacS, ChromiuM etc),
but I figured out how to use basic features to deploy project on device
Get the SDK working in a DebIan amd64 through a ChRoot into bohdi linux i386 RootFs
More at :
Problem :
invalid certificate certificate is not valid. Please check your target date. (Return Code: 260)
Solution : rm local files