(my other emails addresses have lower priority since there is too much spam)
+-------------------------------+ | Philippe COVAL aka RzR (2012) | | http://rzr.free.fr/#vcard.vcf | mailto:rzr@gna.org (txt plz) | xmpp:rzr@jabber.org (otr plz) | gpg:0x467094BC | | sip:022321????@freephonie.net | tag:debian,maemo,meego,qt,c++ +-------------------------------+
When I'll connect to the internet, you should be able to talk with me using :
So you can keep a browser open to those places and wait for me
Also VOIP could be an option and it will be Gratis when calling from Computer to Computer using thoses services :
# sip:...(a)freephonie.net # sip:rzr_online_fr(a)voip.wengo.fr # sip:17473585016(a)proxy01.sipphone.com / mailto:rzr_online_fr(a)gizmo5.com # sip:rzr(a)ekiga.net # gizmo:rzr_online_fr(a)chat.gizmoproject.com # callto:www.rzr.online.fr # http://skype.com
<V> ZrZ, are you RzR? <ZrZ> V: sort of, ZrZ is to rzr what mr hyde is to doctor jeckyl
http://rzr.online.fr/q/contact# #PaniC my rzr(a)#gna.org #EMaiL is down for days, please rzr(a)free.fr, looking for #SmtP #fwd #FreE service
Let me inform that my regular email is down 2012-04-25/2012-04-30 so if you have replied to me after this date , your email is potentially lost,
I would appreciate if you can forward a copy or rzr(a)users.sf.net (or rzr(a)free.fr)
If you trust the “gpg web of trust” both are mine :
http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=rzr@gna.org = http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=rzr@users.sf.net
ExiM :
host mail.gna.org[] said: 421 Unexpected failure, please try later (in reply to end of DATA command)
@related : live CommunicatioN SmtP ExiM