Here are collected info to get a a full GnuLinux Distro on my SmartPhone HandSet : Nokia N9 / N950
For this time I picked UbuntU in the goal to test unity-2d (QmL) and KdE's plasma-mobile feel free to adapt it for DebiaN (weezy-hardfp) I tested it also work…
Watch Video Demo at : http://rzr.online.fr/q/ubuntu
Let me share a minimal RootFs for HarmattaN and explain how to use it …
Then on demand I plan to investigate those tracks in TODO chapter
FeedBack Welcome : http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=1207809#post1207809
@TaG: Omap3 SmartPhone HandSet UbuntU
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/XNtkz9h1Ssw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Usage :
On host :
rootfs="rzr-rootfs-ubuntu-precise-armhf-0.0.20120518" file="$rootfs.tar.bz2" url="http://rzr.online.fr/c/h/volatile/file/$file.metalink" sudo apt-get install aria2 time nfs-kernel-server time aria2c "$url" #@host
On target device :
If using device's Internal (limited) memory this need to be copied from HosT (or use NfS as detailed later) :
cat *.tar.bz2 | ssh -C root@tel 'mkdir -p /home/ && cd /home && tar xfvj -' # (1)
If you cannot log as root on device no problem copy it 1st
# scp "$file" user@tel:/home/user/MyDocs/ # (2) ssh user@tel devel-su # now you're root rootfs="rzr-rootfs-ubuntu-precise-armhf-0.0.20120518" cd /home # or cd /local #@tel file="$rootfs.tar.bz2" # (3) tar cvfj "/home/user/MyDocs/$file" # if not copied on (1) do (2) and (3)
You're mostly done it
cd "${rootfs}" #@tel cat README.txt #@tel dpkg -i ./local/sudo*.deb #ToDo install
Login :
# ssh user@tel # if not logged on device sudo ./usr/local/bin/chroot.sh . #@tel bash #@tel # groups: cannot find name for group ID 670 # ToDo apt-get update apt-get install tmux tmux # Hit Ctrl+B apt-get install nfs-common # etc
Setup env :
u=user ; i=29999 sudo addgroup --gid $i $u ; adduser --uid $i --gid $i $u addgroup user pulse-access addgroup user adm addgroup user dialout # uid=29999(user) gid=29999(users) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),670(pulse-access),29999(users)
If using NfS from target device to HosT (else skip this part) :
ssh -CYt user@tel dpkg -i ./local/sudo*.deb #ToDo install rootfs="rzr-rootfs-ubuntu-precise-armhf-0.0.20120518" m=/local/tmp/mnt/nfs/ mkdir -p $m $sudo mount -o nolock $m cd "$m" cd "$rootfs"
Install / Use X11 :
bash apt-get update apt-cache search xephyr apt-get install tmux git zile mc xterm xinit xserver-xephyr /usr/local/bin/xephwm xterm
Install / Use Ubuntu unity :
Use a Desktop Environment ,
apt-get install unity-2d user=rzr su -l $user /usr/local/bin/xephwm startlxde
apt-get install sudo icedtea-plugin
VnC :
apt-get install x11vnc
lxde is working fine but not best on touch screen
apt-get install lxde /usr/local/bin/xephwm startlxde
EfL / e17 is also working and finger friendly
etc etc etc
Need To work on
Now What's next ? will document this later
xephwm startlxde # Ok xephwm enlightenment_start # Ok xephwm gnome-shell
apt-get install plasma-mobile xephwm startactive # KdE : kO xephwm startkde xephwm xterm active-webbrowser
apt-get install unity-2d xephwm gnome-session --session=ubuntu-2d
Shrink :
apt-get install localpurge apt-get clean find /var/cache/apt/ -type f -exec rm -v '{}' \;
sudo ln -fs ../run ./var/run export CHROOT=. mkdir -p run/dbus sudo mount --bind /var/run/dbus ./run/dbus sudo mount -o bind /var/run/pulse "$CHROOT/var/run/pulse"
# groups: cannot find name for group ID 670 cat /etc/group >> /home/rzr-rootfs/etc/group
TiZen :
AndroiD :
MisC :
ArmEl :
* http://stskeeps.subnetmask.net/mer/0.17testing2/mer-armel-generic-image-v0.17testing2.tar.gz
@TaG: UbuntU ChRoot DebIan AndroiD html5 ToucH DebootStrap
<video controls
<iframe src="http://blip.tv/play/gr8pgvfQQAA.html?p=1" width="320" height="270" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://a.blip.tv/api.swf#gr8pgvfQQAA" style="display:none"></embed>