Java is one of OOP Programming Language.
J2ME is the Mobile version of the JVM.
“If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete themselves upon execution - Robert Sewell”
RzR presents :
i have a newbee question: how to compile crossed referenced classes ?
class A { B member; }
class B { A member; }
i needed to remove B in A , compile A , then compile B , finally modify A , and recompile A …then it works even if i modify any class
@related: eclipse
JODE is a java package containing a decompiler and an optimizer for java
list all jvm
Same result can be achieved using file program (on most GNU/unix system) :
javac -X -verbose -source 1.3 -target 1.1 -d tmp/ file tmp/Foo.class Foo.class: compiled Java class data, version 45.3
Frozen Bubble applet :
3d , j2me , applets , demo , howto , etc
J2EE EJB helloword code sample
This simple example shows how to populate a form bean from the request and in the action.
HelloForm contains two fields: name and message: name is filled from the request while the action (HelloAction) computes the message.
The bean is finally serialized for display by the OXF view (hello.xpl).
... <d:example-header title="struts/hello"/> <form action=""> <d:p> Please enter your name: <input type="text" name="name"/><xsl:text></xsl:text> <input type="submit" value="Go ==="/>=== </d:p> </form> <d:p> ...
public class HelloForm extends ActionForm { private String message; private String name; public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; ...