args :
From shell :
a=SHELL ; b=$(eval "echo \${${a}}" ); echo $b /bin/bash
Same with makefiles :
a=SHELL ; b=$$(eval "echo \$${$${a}}" ); echo $$b
But it will fail if using gmake env
a=CURDIR ; b=$$(eval "echo \$${$${a}}" ); echo $$b
export ${USER}_KEY=${EMAIL} t=${USER}_KEY VAL=$(eval echo \${t} ) echo $VAL
ps $(</var/run/exim4/
expr --version # expr (GNU coreutils) 8.13 expr 0 + 1 && echo "ok as expected [$?]" # 0 expr 1 + 0 && echo "ok as expected [$?]" # 0 expr 0 + 0 || echo "ko unexpected [$?]" # 1 expr 0 || echo "ko unexpected [$?]" # 1
Exit status is 0 if EXPRESSION is neither null nor 0, 1 if EXPRESSION is null or 0, 2 if EXPRESSION is syntactically invalid, and 3 if an error occurred.
echo "i="{1,2,3} i=1 i=2 i=3
@tag: WtF
mkdir -p $(dirname "${mypath}")
will fail, use workaround :
dir=$(dirname "${mypath}") && mkdir -p "$dir"
if ! true ; then echo then ; else echo else ; fi # print : else
t=1 ; if [ "$t" != "0" ] && [ "$t" != "" ] ; then echo "zero" ; fi
for in :
export ARG=DllCanUnloadNow ; for f in *.lib ; do echo "# $f:" ; dumpbin /symbols $f | grep $ARG ; done
for using seq (or w/ bash (1..255) ):
p=192.168.0 ; for i in $(seq 1 255) ; do ping -c 1 $p.$i > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo "$p.$i" ; done
for () :
for (( i=0; $i <= 999 ; i++ )) ; do echo $i ; done
while : ( will eat one line each line)
cat $F | while l=`line` ; do echo -E "$l" >> $F.tmp ; t=`line` ; done ; mv $F $F.orig ; mv $F.tmp $F
case :
case "$m" in jan | Jan) m=01; ;;
UntiL :
until ping -w 1 -c 1 "$server" &>/dev/null ;do sleep 1 n=$(( n+1 )) [ $n -eq 30 ] && break done
#! /bin/bash FILE=$1 # read $FILE using the file descriptors exec 3<&0 exec 0<$FILE while read line do # use $line variable to process line echo $line done exec 0<&3
list='PWD USER' for key in ${list} ; do value=$(eval echo \$${key}) echo "${key}=${value}" done
ls | awk '{ system ($0 ) }'
ls | while L=`line`; do echo $L; read t ; exit; done; # will not work
Line per line : use IFS=$'\n'
prefix="date" ; IFS=$'\n' ; while [ 1 ] ; do date ; sleep 1 ; done | while read line ; do p="$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)" && echo "$p: $prefix: $line" ; done 20131210122521: date: Tue Dec 10 12:25:21 CET 2013 20131210122522: date: Tue Dec 10 12:25:22 CET 2013
ls /dontexist ; echo $? # = 2 ls /dontexist | tee log ; echo $? # = 0 ls /dontexist | tee log ; echo $PIPESTATUS # = 2
For Plain Sh or BusyBox
Workaound for '/bin/sh' or busybox status=0 eval ` { ls /dontexists || echo status="$?"; } | tee /dev/null` echo "# status=${status}" Trace : busybox sh ~/bin/ + status=0 + ls /dontexists + tee /dev/null ls: /dontexists: No such file or directory + echo status=1 + eval status=1 + status=1 + echo # status=1 # status=1
#{ test_() { while [ 1 ] do echo "$*=$$" sleep 1 done }
main_() { test_ 1 & test_ 2 }
$* #}
/tmp/ main_
recurvive grep :
find ~/bin/ -type f -exec grep -Hn rzr {} \;
search & replace :
sed -e "s/rzr/RzR/g" < filein.txt >| fileout.txt sed -e "s/rzr/RzR/g" -i fileinout.txt
pipes and `` :
#! /bin/sh #file://~/bin/ kill -9 `ps aux | grep $* | cut -b0-10` gdb
variables on sh bash
VARNAME=value echo ${VARNAME} export VARNAME #
variables on csh tcsh
set VARNAME value echo $VARNAME setenv VARNAME value
regex on Variables :
echo ${EMAIL} # root@localhost echo ${EMAIL/@/(a)} # root(a)localhost
$ echo $RM $ echo ${RM:=rm} rm $ echo $RM rm $ $ echo ${RM:=rm} $ echo $RM
printf "%c\n" $'\x31' # 1
decimal=49 eval printf \"%c\\n\" \$\'\\x$(printf "%02x" $decimal )\' # 1
eval printf \"%c\\n\" \$\'\\x$(echo "obase=16;$decimal" | bc)\' # 1
tar cf - $(find . -iname "*.h") | tar xvf - -C ${DESTDIR}/include
find . -name "*,*" -type d -exec basename {} \; | awk '{ printf "mv " $1 " " ; sub (/_/,"-") ; print $1 }'
echo "9.999" | awk '{ printf "%.3f \n", $1 / 3 }'
remove each file
cat TODO | awk '{ system(" echo " "rm -v \\\"" $1 "\\\" " ) }'
head -50 | tail -1 = sed '50q;d'
Will rename C to C++ files name conventions
# ls *.c | xargs -n 1 --replace echo "mv {} {}pp" mv mainc.c mainc.cpp
for i in *.ent; do mv $i ${i/ent/gml} ; done
rename 's/\.ent$/.gml/' *
man mmv
grep -v "^$" # remove empty lines
prints executables :
find . -perm +100 -type f -exec file {} \; | grep "ELF 32-bit LSB" | cut -d':' -f 1
Copy all nodes :
s=/mnt/sdb6/ d=/mnt/sdb2/ cd "$s" && time tar cf - . | { cd "$d" && tar xfv - ; } cat files.txt | awk '{ print "tar cvf - " $0 " | tar xvf - -C /tmp "}' > /tmp/
ifconfig | grep -A1 "^eth" # eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr b8:70:??:??:??:?? UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1
A script shell is a simple series of shell commands : see :
# cat
#! /bin/sh echo "I am a script shell" date
# sh ./
I am a script shell 32 Dec 2000
search / replace with sed in multiple files :
for fl in *.*; do mv $fl $fl.orig sed 's/FINDSTRING/REPLACESTRING/g' $fl.orig > "$fl" #rm -f $fl.orig done
sed -i 's/gif/png/g' *.wrl
How to substract : 09 - 1 to return 08
totem mms://`expr $(date +%y%m%d) - 1`_a.wmv
cat ../chhome/ #===/bin/sh=== # echo "+ file://~/"
t=${HOME}/etc/home/$HOSTNAME/$USER # t=/home/$USER/etc/home/$HOSTNAME/$USER [[ -d $t ]] && HOME=$t && export HOME
# file://~/.profile : ok:console+login+bash # file://~/.login : ko:console+login+bash # file://~/.xsession : on [[Debian]] # file://~/.xinitrc :
# # [[ -f $t ]] && source $t
# echo "- file://~/"
echo '[q]sa[ln0=aln256%Pln256/snlbx]sb3135071790101768542287578439snlbxq'|dc
Here is the way to reverse “od” output :
echo "test" | od -A x -t x1 | sed -e 's|^[0-f]* ?||g' | xxd -r test
while read -n 1 byte ; do printf "%b" "$byte" ; done < "$input" > "$output" # BiN :