How to create #LibreOffice #impress files #odp from text source #orgmode #markdown #rst #asciidoc etc, #wysiwyg hell
I tested on ATI gfx card
Untick “Screen Font Antiliazing” :
LANG=C ooffice Alt+T / O / down down down / g / RET
+++ /home/default/ 2009-12-23 15:07:24.000000000 +0100 @@ -10,4 +10,21 @@ <value>false</value> </prop> </node> + <node oor:name="View"> + <node oor:name="FontAntiAliasing"> + <prop oor:name="Enabled" oor:type="xs:boolean"> + <value>false</value> + </prop> + </node> + </node> + <node oor:name="Cache"> + <node oor:name="GraphicManager"> + <prop oor:name="ObjectCacheSize" oor:type="xs:int"> + <value>5452595</value> + </prop> + <prop oor:name="TotalCacheSize" oor:type="xs:int"> + <value>20971520</value> + </prop> + </node> + </node>
but the tick boxes are ugly :
Or activate 3D for desktop
@TaG: WorD PublisH MarkDown Publish Excel doc MS MsWord MsOffice OpenOffice ooo odf OutLook
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>