Here's a quick list of the maximum transfer rates for various connections in megabits (Mb) and megabytes (MB) per second:
960 Bps = At 9600 baud
19'600 baud = 2KB/s
186 Kbps : floppY disk
115 kbits/s (.115Mbits/s) serial port
115 kBYTES/s (.115MBYTES/s) standard parallel port:
300+96 : theora+ogg : still works
800 Kbps = 100 KBps :
Video 2 hour per CD
1.2 Mbps = 161 KBps :
CD : 700
MB / 74 min
1.6 Mbps = 200 KBps :
Video 1 hour per CD : 700 / 3600
5.6 Mbps = 700 KBps :
8 Mbps = 1MBps : 720p
AvC BR (4GB/2h~)
15 Mbps = VIDEO: [MPG2] 720×576 0bpp 25.000 fps 15000.0 kbps (1831.1 kbyte/s)
12 Mbps = 1.5
MBpS = 11min/
GB = 7day/TB: Original
USB v 1.0 ~ good
DsL (2018)
MbpS = 4 MBps = h264 @ 4k , (Bad
CpL freeplug)
80 Mbps =~ good CPl before switch
300 Mbps = 37
MB/s ~ 20GB/m ~ 130GB/h
480 Mbit/s = 60MBps : Hi-Speed
USB (2.0) :
160 MBYTES/s Wide Ultra3
sudo hdparm -t -T /dev/hda # AmiloA
Timing cached reads: 284 MB in 2.01 seconds = 141.43 MB/sec
Timing buffered disk reads: 56 MB in 3.06 seconds = 18.30 MB/sec
sudo hdparm -t -T /dev/sda # AmiloA
Timing cached reads: 312 MB in 2.01 seconds = 155.06 MB/sec
Timing buffered disk reads: 4 MB in 4.28 seconds = 957.84 kB/sec