[173483.465944] BTRFS warning (device mmcblk1p2): csum failed root 256 ino 5381 off 4096 csum 0x8c58c970 expected csum 0x1ff48d85 mirror 1 [173483.466065] BTRFS error (device mmcblk1p2): bdev /dev/mmcblk1p2 errs: wr 0, rd 0, flush 0, corrupt 115, gen 0
If you have an UART Link you'll be able to see those uboot messages :
# Olimex micro eth .... uart0 { 3v, tx0, rx0 , gnd } .... power
This worked from me from RPI's UART to OLinuXino UART (3wires)
I used an Rpi as UART cable (dont connect vcc, just gnd and rx to tx in both way)
root@pi:~# screen /dev/ttyAMA0 115200
_________________ | | 5V 5V *GND* *TXD* *RXD* PCM ... | 3V3 ... | Raspberry Pi
U-Boot SPL 2013 1024 MiB CPU: 96000000/AHB/APB: 3/2/2 spl: not an uImage at 1600 U-Boot 2013.10-rc2-00118-gbf62731 (Oct 13 2013 - 11:53:03) Allwinner Technology CPU: Allwinner A20 (SUN7I) Board: A20-OLinuXino_MICRO I2C: ready DRAM: 1 GiB MMC: SUNXI SD/MMC: 0 ....
Only booting from uSD is supported the larger SD one (but can be used simultaneously)
U-Boot SPL 2013 1024 MiB CPU: 96000000/AHB/APB: 3/2/2 spl: not an uImage at 1600 U-Boot 2013.10-rc2-00118-gbf62731 (Oct 13 2013 - 11:53:03) Allwinner Technology CPU: Allwinner A20 (SUN7I) Board: A20-OLinuXino_MICRO I2C: ready DRAM: 1 GiB MMC: SUNXI SD/MMC: 0 *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: emac Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 sun7i# U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-geceb6aa-dirty (Sep 17 2013 - 14:53:57) Allwinner Technology CPU: SUNXI Family Board: SUN7I-EVB DRAM: 1 GiB NAND: [NAND] set nand_good_block_ratio 870 3480 MiB sunxi#printenv boot_fastboot=fastboot boot_normal=boota 40007800 boot_recovery=sunxi_flash read 40007800 recovery;boota 40007800 bootcmd=run setargs_nand boot_normal bootdelay=3 console=ttyS0,115200 fastboot_key_value_max=0x8 fastboot_key_value_min=0x2 init=/init loglevel=4 mmc_root=/dev/mmcblk0p7 nand_root=/dev/system partitions=bootloader@nanda:env@nandb:boot@nandc:system@nandd:data@nande:misc@nandf:recovery@nandg:cache@nandh:databk@nandi:private@nandj:UDISK@nandk recovery_key_value_max=0x13 recovery_key_value_min=0x10 root=/dev/sda2 setargs_mmc=setenv bootargs console=${console} root=${mmc_root} init=${init} loglevel=${loglevel} partitions=${partitions} setargs_nand=setenv bootargs console=${console} root=${nand_root} init=${init} loglevel=${loglevel} partitions=${partitions} stderr=serial stdin=serial stdout=serial Environment size: 859/131068 bytes
First, I could not boot it first because I needed a larger micro SdCard to put :
archive=a20_debian_kernel_3_4_LAN_USBx2_Cards_LCD_HDMI_SATA_TS_X_GPIO_OTG_MIC_release5.7z# armhf wheezy file=a20_debian_kernel_3_4_LAN_USBx2_Cards_LCD_HDMI_SATA_TS_X_GPIO_OTG_MIC_release5.img # 3980394496 disk=/dev/sdb # 3963617280 3965190144 time 7z e -so $archive $file | sudo dd bs=8MB of=$disk # 14m35.191s
See 1st part is starting 1MB ahead :
# 1 1049kB 17.8MB 16.8MB primary fat16 # 2 17.8MB 3980MB 3963MB primary ext3
So let's format at repart our 4GB sdcard :
sudo parted /dev/sdb -s resize 1 1MB 17MB sudo parted /dev/sdb -s mkpart p ext3 17MB 100% sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb2
Did not boot . just got the Red LED on ...
Once Reparted SdCard ( keep space before 1st part) too add Uboot over it :
# sudo dd if=u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/sdb bs=1024 seek=8
Now it booted (using my RpI's UarT as SeriaL link : you can see Uboot messages ; and Standard linux dmesg
[ 0.000000] Linux version 3.4.67+ (root@debian) (gcc version 4.7.1 (Debian 4.7.1-7) ) #6 SMP PREEMPT Fri Nov 1 17:32:40 EET 2013 [ 0.000000] CPU: ARMv7 Processor [410fc074] revision 4 (ARMv7), cr=10c5387d [ 0.000000] CPU: PIPT / VIPT nonaliasing data cache, VIPT aliasing instruction cache [ 0.000000] Machine: sun7i [ 0.000000] Memory cut off: [ 0.000000] MALI : 0x5c000000 - 0x5fffffff ( 64 MB) [ 0.000000] Ignoring unrecognised tag 0x00000000 [ 0.000000] Memory Reserved: [ 0.000000] SYS : 0x43000000 - 0x4300ffff ( 64 kB) [ 0.000000] VE : 0x44000000 - 0x48ffffff ( 80 MB) [ 0.000000] G2D : 0x49000000 - 0x49ffffff ( 16 MB) [ 0.000000] LCD : 0x5a000000 - 0x5bffffff ( 32 MB) [ 0.000000] Memory policy: ECC disabled, Data cache writealloc [ 0.000000] sunxi: Allwinner A20 (AW1651/sun7i) detected. ...
I can share a backup of my sdcard to fit in smaller SdCard :
sudo apt-get remove iceweasel xserver-xorg-video-radeon xserver-xorg-video-ati xserver-xorg-video-nouveau sudo apt-get remove mousepad orage squeeze xfburn squeak-plugins-scratch apt-get remove xfce4-weather-plugin a2ps xserver-xorg-dev libavutil-dev libpixman-1-dev libpostproc-dev libsmbclient-dev libswscale-dev libavformat-dev libavdevice-dev
Gpu :
time 7z x -so Cubian-base-r4-arm-a20.img.7z Cubian-base-r4-arm-a20.img | sudo dd bs=8M of=/dev/sdb
MisC :
Note that the board consumes around 300mA of current at 12V = 3.6W but 5W is preferred
root@micro:~# cat /boot/micro-vga.fex [disp_init] disp_init_enable = 1 disp_mode = 0 screen0_output_type = 4 screen0_output_mode = 4 screen1_output_type = 3 screen1_output_mode = 4 fb0_framebuffer_num = 2 fb0_format = 10 fb0_pixel_sequence = 0 fb0_scaler_mode_enable = 1 fb1_framebuffer_num = 2 fb1_format = 10 fb1_pixel_sequence = 0 fb1_scaler_mode_enable = 1 if [ -e '/dev/cedar_dev' ] ; then export DISPLAY=:0 ; export VDPAU_DRIVER=sunxi ; export LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME=vdpau ; export VDPAU_SCREEN=0 ; fi gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! autovideosink gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! vaapisink fullscreen=true root@micro:~# export DISPLAY=:0 ; export VDPAU_DRIVER=sunxi ; vdpauinfo gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=my-video.mp4 ! qtdemux ! vaapidecode ! vaapisink sudo apt-get install automake1.11 m4 [VDPAU SUNXI] Requested unimplemented background_surface root@micro:/usr/local/src/libvdpau-sunxi# make clean ; make ; sudo make install root@micro:/usr/local/src/vdpau-driver# apt-get install cdbs #root@micro:/usr/local/src/vdpau-driver# make clean ; make ; sudo make install root@micro:/usr/local/src/vdpau-driver# make deb
apt-get install libvdpau-dev libvdpau1 vdpau-va-driver vdpauinfo
git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/vaapi/vdpau-driver
[VDPAU SUNXI] Requested unimplemented background_surface [DISP] request scaler layer fail! [18257.757701] [DISP] request scaler fail
IO : SATA connector with 5V SATA power jack
Connector is close to supply, red wire is close to the edge , black wire is close to center of .com in onlimex.com label.
Average writing speed: 30.68 MB/s # with f3write on SSD disk Average reading speed: 101.60 MB/s
root@A20-OLinuXino:~# lsblk -b /dev/nand # 4GB NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT nand 93:0 0 3984588800 0 disk root@A20-OLinuXino:~# dmesg | grep -i nand [ 1.500935] [NAND] nand driver version: 0x2 0x9 [ 3.157659] Dev Sunxi softw311 nand magic does not match for MBR 1: softw411 [ 3.170827] Dev Sunxi softw311 nand magic does not match for MBR 2: [ 3.184057] Dev Sunxi softw311 nand magic does not match for MBR 3: [ 3.197282] Dev Sunxi softw311 nand magic does not match for MBR 4: [ 3.212146] Dev Sunxi softw311 nand header bad for all MBR copies, MBR corrupted or not present. [ 3.230488] Dev Sunxi softw411 nand: part 1, start 32768, size 32768 [ 3.242184] Dev Sunxi softw411 nand: part 2, start 65536, size 32768 [ 3.253844] Dev Sunxi softw411 nand: part 3, start 98304, size 32768 [ 3.265763] Dev Sunxi softw411 nand: part 4, start 131072, size 1048576 [ 3.278026] Dev Sunxi softw411 nand: part 5, start 1179648, size 1048576 [ 3.290202] Dev Sunxi softw411 nand: part 6, start 2228224, size 32768 [ 3.302205] Dev Sunxi softw411 nand: part 7, start 2260992, size 65536 [ 3.314380] Dev Sunxi softw411 nand: part 8, start 2326528, size 1048576 [ 3.326653] Dev Sunxi softw411 nand: part 9, start 3375104, size 524288 [ 3.338831] Dev Sunxi softw411 nand: part 10, start 3899392, size 32768 [ 3.351181] Dev Sunxi softw411 nand: part 11, start 3932160, size 3850240 [ 3.364655] nand: nanda nandb nandc nandd nande nandf nandg nandh nandi nandj nandk [ 3.376622] [NAND]nand driver, ok. root@A20-OLinuXino:~# root@A20-OLinuXino:~# cat /proc/version Linux version 3.4.103-00033-g9a1cd034181a-dirty (root@debian) (gcc version 4.9.2 20140904 (prerelease) (crosstool-NG linaro-1.13.1-4.9-2014.09 - Linaro GCC 4.9-2014.09) ) #44 SMP PREEMPT Fri Mar 10 08:50:33 EET 2017 grep nand /proc/devices 93 nand root@A20-OLinuXino:~# ls -l /dev/nand brw-rw---- 1 root disk 93, 0 Jan 1 2010 /dev/nand root@A20-OLinuXino:~# cat /etc/os-release PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)" NAME="Debian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="8" VERSION="8 (jessie)" ID=debian HOME_URL="http://www.debian.org/" SUPPORT_URL="http://www.debian.org/support" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://bugs.debian.org/" sudo nandinstall
The bigger SD card slot is not detecting any card ?
cat /proc/device-tree/model Olimex A20-OLinuXino-LIME find /sys/devices/platform/ -iname 'date' /sys/devices/platform/soc/1c20d00.rtc/rtc/rtc0/date /sys/devices/platform/soc/1c0f000.mmc/mmc_host/mmc0/mmc0:0001/date
cat /sys/class/gpio/export echo "47" > /sys/class/gpio/export echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio47_ph2/direction echo "1" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio47_ph2/value
Board: A20-OLinuXino_MICRO I2C: ready DRAM: 1 GiB MMC: SUNXI SD/MMC: 0 *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: emac Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 sun7i# fatload mmc 0 0x46000000 uImage reading uImage 1826608 bytes read in 98 ms (17.8 MiB/s) sun7i# fatload mmc 0 0x49000000 sun7i-a20-olinuxino-micro.dtb reading sun7i-a20-olinuxino-micro.dtb 22905 bytes read in 21 ms (1 MiB/s) sun7i# env set fdt_high ffffffff sun7i# bootm 0x46000000 - 0x49000000 ## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 46000000 ... Image Name: Linux-3.15.0-rc5-14254-gb9505da Created: 2014-05-20 13:41:16 UTC Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed) Data Size: 1826544 Bytes = 1.7 MiB Load Address: 40008000 Entry Point: 40008000 Verifying Checksum ... OK ## Flattened Device Tree blob at 49000000 Booting using the fdt blob at 0x49000000 Loading Kernel Image ... OK Using Device Tree in place at 49000000, end 49008978 Starting kernel ...
ToolS :
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/kuCeKjZ7-8Q" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[132046.522607] usb 1-1.6: new full-speed USB device number 3 using ehci-pci [132046.615573] usb 1-1.6: New USB device found, idVendor=067b, idProduct=2303 [132046.615575] usb 1-1.6: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0 [132046.615576] usb 1-1.6: Product: USB-Serial Controller [132046.615577] usb 1-1.6: Manufacturer: Prolific Technology Inc. [132046.750031] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial [132046.750040] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial_generic [132046.750047] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for generic [132046.767178] usbcore: registered new interface driver pl2303 [132046.767188] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for pl2303 [132046.767203] pl2303 1-1.6:1.0: pl2303 converter detected [132046.768728] usb 1-1.6: pl2303 converter now attached to ttyUSB0
shell@kylin-optimus:/ $ cat /proc/version Linux version 3.4.39+ (zhu@Ubuntu12) (gcc version 4.6.3 20120201 (prerelease) (crosstool-NG linaro-1.13.1-2012.02-20120222 - Linaro GCC 2012.02) ) #9 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jun 20 16:18:38 CST 2014 # cat /system/build.prop # begin build properties # autogenerated by buildinfo.sh ro.build.id=KVT49L ro.build.display.id=kylin_optimus-eng 4.4.2 KVT49L 20140620 test-keys ro.build.version.incremental=20140620 ro.build.version.sdk=19 ro.build.version.codename=REL ro.build.version.release=4.4.2 ro.build.date=2014年 06月 20日 星期五 20:03:23 CST ro.build.date.utc=1403265803 ro.build.type=eng ro.build.user=zhu ro.build.host=Ubuntu12 ro.build.tags=test-keys ro.product.model=UltraOcta A80 OptimusBoard ro.product.brand=Allwinner ro.product.name=kylin_optimus ro.product.device=kylin-optimus ro.product.board=exdroid ro.product.cpu.abi=armeabi-v7a ro.product.cpu.abi2=armeabi ro.product.manufacturer=Allwinner ro.product.locale.language=en ro.product.locale.region=US
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00001-ga70098a (Jun 09 2014 - 09:12:58) Allwinner Technology arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc (crosstool-NG linaro-1.13.1-2012.02-20120222 - Linaro GCC 2012.02) 4.6.3 20120201 (prerelease) GNU ld (crosstool-NG linaro-1.13.1-2012.02-20120222 - Linaro GCC 2012.02) 2.22
root@micro:~# sudo apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties root@micro:~# apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-fbturbo /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/fbturbo_drv.so
uptime 16:23:51 up 4 days, 9:55, 1 user, load average: 0.18, 0.16, 0.11 [361930.240997] Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual addresc 00e95914 [361930.248395] pgd = 04dc887e [361930.251202] [00e95914] *pgd=00000000 [361930.255022] Internal error: Oops: 5 [#1] SMP THUMB2 [361930.260018] Modules linked in: fuse xt_multiport xt_REDIRECT iptable_nat nf_nat_ipv4 nf_nat ip6table_filter ip6_tables xt_tcpudp xt_conntrack nf_conntrack nf_defrag_ipv6 nf_defrag_ipv4 iptable_filter zstd sun4i_gpadc_iio zram axp20x_adc industrialio evdev lima at24 gpu_sched ttm sun4i_ts sun4i_gpadc sun4i_ss cpufreq_dt uio_pdrv_genirq uio thermal_sys bonding ip_tables x_tables uas [361930.294034] CPU: 1 PID: 8348 Comm: kworker/1:2 Not tainted 4.19.62-sunxi #5.92 (...) [361930.549225] [<c05f2e7e>] (ccu_div_set_rate) from [<c05ed067>] (clk_change_rate+0x9b/0x2f4) [361930.557609] [<c05ed067>] (clk_change_rate) from [<c05ed0ef>] (clk_change_rate+0x123/0x2f4) xinit X.Org X Server 1.20.4 X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0 Build Operating System: Linux 4.19.0-12-armmp-lpae armv7l Debian waiting for X server to shut down Xorg: ../../../../include/privates.h:121: dixGetPrivateAddr: Assertion `key->initialized' failed. sudo apt install sunxi-tools xserver-xorg-video-armsoc-sun4i libGL error: unable to load driver: sun4i-drm_dri.so
Build: “h313_Bj_1694481806_eros-p1”
[49363.180547] usb 1-1.3: new full-speed USB device number 4 using ehci-pci [49363.261049] usb 1-1.3: New USB device found, idVendor=2563, idProduct=0555, bcdDevice=10.03 [49363.261059] usb 1-1.3: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=2, SerialNumber=0 [49363.261062] usb 1-1.3: Product: Twin USB Joystick [49363.320646] hid: raw HID events driver (C) Jiri Kosina [49363.330338] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid [49363.330344] usbhid: USB HID core driver [49363.348419] input: Twin USB Joystick as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb1/1-1/1-1.3/1-1.3:1.0/0003:2563:0555.0001/input/input18 [49363.348696] hid-generic 0003:2563:0555.0001: input,hidraw0: USB HID v1.11 Joystick [Twin USB Joystick] on usb-0000:00:1d.0-1.3/input0 [49363.521161] usb 1-1.3: USB disconnect, device number 4 [49364.285506] usb 1-1.3: new full-speed USB device number 5 using ehci-pci [49364.368085] usb 1-1.3: New USB device found, idVendor=0810, idProduct=0001, bcdDevice= 2.00 [49364.368108] usb 1-1.3: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0 [49364.368114] usb 1-1.3: Product: Twin USB Joystick [49364.368118] usb 1-1.3: Manufacturer: Twin USB Joystick [49364.437938] input: Twin USB Joystick Twin USB Joystick as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb1/1-1/1-1.3/1-1.3:1.0/0003:0810:0001.0002/input/input19 [49364.489603] input: Twin USB Joystick Twin USB Joystick as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb1/1-1/1-1.3/1-1.3:1.0/0003:0810:0001.0002/input/input20 [49364.490403] pantherlord 0003:0810:0001.0002: input,hidraw0: USB HID v1.10 Joystick [Twin USB Joystick Twin USB Joystick] on usb-0000:00:1d.0-1.3/input0 [49364.490457] pantherlord 0003:0810:0001.0002: Force feedback for PantherLord/GreenAsia devices by Anssi Hannula <anssi.hannula@gmail.com> sudo evtest /dev/input/event16: Twin USB Joystick Twin USB Joystick /dev/input/event17: Twin USB Joystick Twin USB Joystick Select the device event number [0-17]: 16 Input driver version is 1.0.1 Input device ID: bus 0x3 vendor 0x810 product 0x1 version 0x110 Input device name: "Twin USB Joystick Twin USB Joystick" Supported events: Event type 0 (EV_SYN) Event type 1 (EV_KEY) Event code 288 (BTN_TRIGGER) Event code 289 (BTN_THUMB) Event code 290 (BTN_THUMB2) Event code 291 (BTN_TOP) Event code 292 (BTN_TOP2) Event code 293 (BTN_PINKIE) Event code 294 (BTN_BASE) Event code 295 (BTN_BASE2) Event code 296 (BTN_BASE3) Event code 297 (BTN_BASE4) Event code 298 (BTN_BASE5) Event code 299 (BTN_BASE6) Event type 3 (EV_ABS) Event code 0 (ABS_X) Value 128 Min 0 Max 255 Flat 15 Event code 1 (ABS_Y) Value 128 Min 0 Max 255 Flat 15 Event code 2 (ABS_Z) Value 128 Min 0 Max 255 Flat 15 Event code 5 (ABS_RZ) Value 128 Min 0 Max 255 Flat 15 Event code 16 (ABS_HAT0X) Value 0 Min -1 Max 1 Event code 17 (ABS_HAT0Y) Value 0 Min -1 Max 1 Event type 4 (EV_MSC) Event code 4 (MSC_SCAN) Event type 21 (EV_FF) Event code 80 (FF_RUMBLE) Event code 81 (FF_PERIODIC) Event code 88 (FF_SQUARE) Event code 89 (FF_TRIANGLE) Event code 90 (FF_SINE) Event code 96 (FF_GAIN) Properties: Testing ... (interrupt to exit) Event: time 1712346475.402427, type 4 (EV_MSC), code 4 (MSC_SCAN), value 90009 Event: time 1712346475.402427, type 1 (EV_KEY), code 296 (BTN_BASE3), value 1 Event: time 1712346475.402427, -------------- SYN_REPORT ------------ Event: time 1712346475.626499, type 4 (EV_MSC), code 4 (MSC_SCAN), value 90009 Event: time 1712346475.626499, type 1 (EV_KEY), code 296 (BTN_BASE3), value 0 Event: time 1712346475.626499, -------------- SYN_REPORT ------------ Event: time 1712346478.618403, type 4 (EV_MSC), code 4 (MSC_SCAN), value 9000a Event: time 1712346478.618403, type 1 (EV_KEY), code 297 (BTN_BASE4), value 1 Event: time 1712346478.618403, -------------- SYN_REPORT ------------ Event: time 1712346478.858426, type 4 (EV_MSC), code 4 (MSC_SCAN), value 9000a Event: time 1712346478.858426, type 1 (EV_KEY), code 297 (BTN_BASE4), value 0 Event: time 1712346478.858426, -------------- SYN_REPORT ------------ (...)
:/ # cat /proc/version Linux version 4.9.170 (jm@ubuntu) (gcc version 5.3.1 20160412 (Linaro GCC 5.3-2016.05) ) #940 SMP PREEMPT Tue Sep 12 09:21:21 CST 2023 cat /proc/device-tree/model sun50iw9 :/ # getprop ro.bootimage.build.fingerprint Allwinner/eros_p1/eros-p1:10/QP1A.191105.004/875:userdebug/test-keys
@TaG: ArM UBooT RpI GpiO HdmI DvI VgA SdCard ArmV7