It is hard to choose the most OpenSource Friendly Video Card manufacturer, but if I had to I will stay on ATI because some ATI enginner helped somehow to get DRI Supported on my Radeon IGP 320M.


OpenSource [[Hardware]]

OpenSource Drivers

ClosedSource Driver for [[GNU]]/[[Linux]]


[[Laptop]] [[Hardware]]

  • VIA N800 : Amilo Pro V2030


J'achete ou echange une carte video XGA (AGP ou PCI) …sur Rennes

min: 1074x768x16bits = 1536 Kibytes

Si possible supportant des drivers opensource et libre sous linux (nv ou radeon)

Si vous avez une offre laisser un message a




vga.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/16 12:24 (external edit)
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