I am looking a way to run IPhone SDK on GNU/Linux x86 arch :
Alternatives :
MacOS X is an OS based on BSD MacOS 9 is not
But you may consider using GNU/Linux on your Apple Hardware : http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2006/06/01/switching-back.html?page=2
Interop : Stuffit for Linux http://www.stuffit.com/ ftp://ftp.aladdinsys.com/pub/linux/StuffIt/
hdiutil create -srcfolder <pathToFolder> -volname <name> <destination>
<foobaz> .dmg lets you include other files, like a readme <foobaz> .pkg lets you install sdl for the user, but pkg is voodoo magic to me
I am desesperatly try to port some game : Pinball
http://pinball.sf.net http://rzr.online.fr/game.htm http://rzr.online.fr/docs/game/devel.htm#macosx
Sources :
MAC Crosscompilation and Emu @ Linux Ix86
I am just discovery the mac world … and I need help for porting an app on Mac systems What binaries format are the most popular OSX, 9 8 or 7 ?
Is there some crosscompilation tools for Linux Ix86 (and also linux ppc) can Macos compilers build some os9 binaries ?
And is there a mac emu for deb ix86 ? …and a crosscompiler for os7+
I used macos emu on my Amiga ..back 10 years ago, maybe this will work on Unix UAE Also basilisk2 is a M68K emulator. and apple2 emu (6502); macutils … … but i am pretty sure there should be better solutions
What about the Windows side on mac emulation, ports ? (codewarrior does it?)
Ps I can't wait for the Ix086 port of maconlinux.org
cat /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist <key>Boot Graphics</key> <string>Yes</string> <key>Quiet Boot</key> <string>No</string>
Args :
-f -x -v Graphics Mode"="1024x768x32" cpus=1
AppleIntelPIIXPATA: PCI IDE channel is disabled bootargs: -v -s -x -vmware idehalt=0