My Amilo Laptop cy26 does lock keyboard on boot, gdm unlock it ? please help …ToDo
I deciced to switch to qwerty layout but I am kinda slow for now … only 40WPM @ http://speedtest.10fastfingers.com/
Getting better now 50WPM on LenovO QwertY LapTop :
sudo apt-get install console-data
sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
cat /etc/default/keyboard XKBLAYOUT="us" XKBVARIANT="alt-intl"
setxkbmap -layout fr -variant dvorak
setxkbmap us -print | xkbcomp - $DISPLAY
setxkbmap -layout us -variant intl
setxkbmap -rules evdev -model evdev -layout us -variant altgr-intl
à : AltGr ` a ç : AltGr+, ~ : ~ ' '
setxkbmap -rules evdev -model evdev -layout us -variant altgr-intl,nodeadkeys
setxkbmap -query
man -P cat xkeyboard-config localectl localectl list-x11-keymap-variants us localectl list-x11-keymap-options cat /etc/default/keyboard
cat /etc/default/keyboard # KEYBOARD CONFIGURATION FILE # Consult the keyboard(5) manual page. XKBMODEL="pc105" XKBLAYOUT="us" XKBVARIANT="alt-intl,nodeadkeys" XKBOPTIONS="" BACKSPACE="guess"
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/15bbWi3jKLI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Here I am going to explain
How to configure XWindow to assign Win and Menu key as a new modifier
(like Alt, Shift etc) and then use Windows shortcuts Win+F = Find ; Win+E = filemanager etc
Even further, why not reuse stupid “internet” and “email” keys, to sound volume control …
All params should works with any AmiloA Laptop :
see xmodmap page
Well this point nothing happend, keys events must be grabbed using “xbindkey”
Debian :
apt-get install xbindkeys apwal
$EDITOR ~/.xbinkeyrc
# file://~/.xbindkeysrc # xbindkeys --key
"apwal" # windows+menu key m:0x20 + c:117 Mod3 + Menu
#Vol -5% # web key "amixer -c 0 sset PCM 5%-" c:178 XF86AudioLowerVolume
#Vol +5% # email key "amixer -c 0 sset PCM 5%+" c:236 XF86AudioRaiseVolume
#Vol=0% # doent not work ... there arent modifiers ; maybe they should be "amixer -c 0 sset PCM 0%" m:0x4 + c:236 XF86AudioRaiseVolume XF86AudioLowerVolume
# EOF file://~/.xbindkeysrc
then restart :
This is a base setttings file, I will add TV out and some common shortcuts… show me your files in the amilo group or …
just here ⇒ ⇔
Remove this part :
grep set-completion-ignore-case ~/.inputrc
Option "XkbModel" "pc104" # not pc105
In XFree86 4.3.0, the stock configuration data for the X Keyboard Extension (XKB) was overhauled. One of the few downsides to this much-needed update was that the "< >" key commonly found on European keyboards stopped functioning. Users of 102- or 105-key PC keyboards (as well as miniature and laptop keyboards compatible with these models) should ensure that their keyboard is configured accordingly in the XF86Config-4 file, using the "pc102" or "pc105" XkbModel instead of "pc101" or "pc104", respectively. U.S.-style PC keyboards do not have a "< >" key, it is this additional key that distinguishes a pc102 keyboard from a pc101 keyboard, and a pc105 keyboard from a pc104 keyboard.
If your keyboard has a "< >" key, you probably have a 102- or 105-key model. The "< >" key may not work if you do not configure your keyboard model correctly. You can use "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86" to change this configuration parameter, or edit /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 directly.
# http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/fr/debian-fr-howto/ch4.html
sudo apt-get install console-data console-tools console-common kbd-compat sudo apt-get install console-data ; dpkg-reconfigure console-data
Redesigned 5-Pack In Logitechs new keyboard line, a narrower, more intuitive 5-Pack replaces the conventional 6-Pack. The traditional Insert key has been moved to the row of F keys, where it more rightly belongs. This reduces the chance of accidentally pressing the wrong keyto name just one among many benefits explained in this section.
System -> Preferences -> Assistive Technologies -> Keyboard Accessibility -> Mouse Keys,
sudo aptitude install console-setup ; sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup