[[RzR]] / [[ToDo]]




Todo LibreSoftware : Mosaicking plug'in for the GIMP (and stand alone) also known as Panorama.

It does homographic transformation from a few reference points


image by http://www.ifrance.com/ivanoff7/

hugin http://jmtrivial.info/blog/index.php?2006/05/10/23-clermont-ferrand-vu-du-puy-de-chanturgue

I have some old C code that work on greyscale pictures. Contact me if interessed to start w/ me a such Project,

Some Software : http://www.path.unimelb.edu.au/~dersch/

  • PTStitcher: High quality, simple to use, all format stitching software.
  • Panorama Tools: Photoshop plug-in for panorama creation, editing and remapping.
  • PTViewer: High quality spherical viewer, Standalone and java versions for many platforms.

Photomosaic : http://mazaika.tripod.com/maztutor/mosaictest.html




image.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/16 12:23 (external edit)
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