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FSC stands for FUJITSU SIEMENS COMPUTERS which is a Hardware manufacturer.

They are selling Laptop Computers … like Amilo Series


Quite happy with my AmiloA since 2003, I planed to buy an AmiloLi 5 years later.

It seems that FSC is able to give refund for OEM Software, I was a bout to test their new 2008 procedure (420-53 EUR) , but it failed (partialy my fault) :

I noticed the product at darty, I wanted to have knowledge of the process before purchasing it and a couple of days later when I was ready to buy the product (and send back the license to FSC) the product was not available anymore…

FSC seems to be a good choice because you do not need to send the whole Hardware , just MS materials (license, or CD/DVD) …

Revelent links


Letter to FSC / What Would you ask to FSC ?

Notes / English

  • Is it possible to have all BIOS archives ever released ?
  • Does using another OS than the one shipped along the Computer will cancel the Waranty ?
  • Are you implicated into Drivers Developpement ? is it external from FSC
  • Are you implicated into any OpenSource Projects ?

Notes / Francais

Call for a New BIOS

TODO : here is the draft for a asking a new bios release … pointing out what's wrong : ( DSDT, BIOS, PCMCIA etc )

Edit it at




@TaG: Amilo Laptop Consommation

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fsc.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/16 12:23 (external edit)
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