But a FS that support transparent de/compression would be better :
am-utils # Debian
how to find partions at sector xyz
dd if=/dev/hda bs=512 skip=430220170 count=1 | strings | grep "MSWIN4.1"
then it will display fat type and volume name that mean that the partion is not far
in my case it was 6 sectors before @ 43022164
warning do not try to create again the partition Cyl/Cyl
but Sector/Sector with GNU fdisk. DOS Fdisk will create more demages.
MBR is 512 first bytes of disk
446 - 511 0x1be - 0x1FF
backup dd if=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1 of=mbr-${HOSTNAME}.dat
tools : fdisk cfdisk hexdump gpart parted ontrack recorery
# file:///etc/fstab: filesystem table. /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 auto auto,users,exec,rw,uid=rzr,gid=rzr,umask=0000 0 0
Maybe this need to be more generic :
mount -o loop -t iso9660 filename.iso /mnt/iso # [[FileSystem]]
GoogleFS : http://www.cs.rochester.edu/sosp2003/papers/p125-ghemawat.pdf
# instead of cmd :
# win+r : command c: cd \ mkdir microsoftsucks cd microsoftsucks
lilo, grub http://xosl.sourceforge.net/
hi I did rebuilt it to use it on my nas but it crashed so I think it's safe to wait for a more stable release …
I can help on this package if we put it under a collab team
btw fell free to review :
http://rzr.online.fr/ubuntu/pool/main/l/lessfs/# lessfs_1.5.9-0~rzr3.dsc
I am looking for a tag based fs :
How to remove duplicates files :