“other projects have nightly builds - we have daily releases” – Yaniel
I did setup a repo of snapshot of upstream sources from scm tree…
See how to install those packages :
Then just install, ie :
sudo aptitude install rzr pinball-snapshot
If curious you can also test :
sudo aptitude install rzr tuxguitar-snapshot boxar din # freewrl
If you want me to build packages not available in debian distro, just contact me or add me to your project I'll try to fix the files in debian/* (or downstream/debian/*) …
Note: upstream repo snapshots versions are in 0.0.YYYYMMDD form
Feedback welcome : http://rzr.online.fr/q/tuxguitar
@see: http://rzr.online.fr/q/pinball
sudo aptitude install rzr pinball-snapshot pinedit-snapshot
@more: http://rzr.online.fr/q/qt