Cooperation between companies and communities in open source mobile Linux projects:
I let you fill that survey someone promoted on irc but here is my suggestion in case you have no idea
First thing would be to list overlapping activities (ie: distro core, packaging, html5 api, qt/qml commponents, etc)
reinventing the wheel is energy waste isnt it ?
Related Links :
Here is a draft about a past meego session in KL malaysia. It was a bit too technical for the audiance so I kept is as draft… and talked about the general idea of cooperation and openness…
It may worth a read if youre facing deb vs rpm questions …
MeeGo is a RpM based distro, but derived of MaemO which is a fork of DebiaN and uses deb package format, so what ?
RPM source package can be be created easily from deb source package, and then we can provide the best of both world …
FeedBack :
Meego Harmattan or maemo , can rebuild debian packages from source packages with no changes so look if someone started that job if not then the world is waiting for you to :
Unpack archive
cd package-0.0.0
Add a least 3 files
Now build the package to a deb file :
If it fails to create a deb file you may need to :
Once its ok you'll have to build a source package :
debuild -S
Will produce a .orig.tar.* symlink to the archive you unpacked And a diff.gz or debian.tar.gz file of the debian files created before
Now you can try to rebuild it on a minimal system or upload to a compilation factory (ie: obs )
Reference :
Now you can deploy it and test it on harmattan or plain debian or derived distro : ubuntu, mint etc
Half way done, please dont stop here or skip previous step, now let's build a rpm on the same base, just create a spec file to reuse previous debian output files
%define patchversion 0~rzr3 Name: p-uae Version: 0.0.20110702 Source0:{name}_%{version}.orig.tar.gz Patch0:{name}_%{version}-%{patchversion}.diff.gz ... %prep %setup -q -n p-uae-%{version} %patch0 -p1 ...
Note, this way we're only reuse patches not the dependencies or build rule, I am sure this can be factorized but I havent investigated enough …
Final step is to publish the sources to online builder (obs) and check for issues …
Last but not least promote the project on the forums and wait for feedback
You may ask me to build snapshot versions of your project and be hosted into the shared repo of harmattan, and other meego ones and if possible on other distros too