I build it for thoses gnu/linux distros : meego , debian , ubuntu
FeedBack welcome :
FYI: p-uae is to e-uae what e-uae is to uae
This is a fork of E-UAE, the Ubiquitous Amiga Emulator, with an emulation core based on WinUAE. It attempts to bring many of the great features of WinUAE to non-Windows platforms. P-UAE was meant to be a Pandora Amiga emulator, thus P-UAE, but later become the ‘Portable’ UAE.
all the fame goes to Mustafa https://github.com/GnoStiC !!
vlc http://rzr.online.fr/video.m3u
<iframe src="http://blip.tv/play/gr8pgsryFwA.html" width="1280" height="750" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://a.blip.tv/api.swf#gr8pgsryFwA" style="display:none"></embed>
You need to
ln ~/data/amiga/file/KICK32.rom ~/kick.rom uae cat ~/.uaerc
(please suggest me some copyleft alternatives)
Install it on meego atom netbook
su # password=meego cat /etc/meego-release distribution="meego_1.1_extras_Netbook" # or use the one previously reported url="http://repo.pub.meego.com/home:/rzr/$distribution/home:rzr.repo" package="p-uae" sudo zypper addrepo "$url" && sudo zypper install $package # press, y,y ... exit
I tested it on Intel atom lenovo ideapad , check that later video
Setup repo as explained at :
then start terminal and run from CLI :
apt-get install p-uae wget -nc http://ftp.fi.xemacs.org/index/amiga/demos/Silents/Silents.GlobalTrash.dms ls -l kick.rom && uae -c 4 -j 0m1m -0 SILENTS-GlobalTrash.dms # close settings gui and switch to amiga window
Install it on debian / ubuntu : http://rzr.online.fr/q/apt
sudo aptitude rzr install p-uae=0.0.20110702-0~rzr3