@related : ProgrammingTool FileSystem OpenSource Source SVN

[[CVS]] [[Version Control]]


export CVS_RSH=ssh 
cvs -z3 -d ${CVS_ROOT} co .

Errors over SSH

@tag: SSH

cvs [update aborted]: cannot rename file CVS/Entries.Backup to CVS/Entries: Operation not permitted
sshfs remote:/ ~/mnt/fuse  -o workaround=rename

Errors over SMB

$ cvs update
cvs.real update: warning: cannot write to history file /cvsroot/*/CVSROOT/history: Permission denied
$ cvs -t update
"cvs update: cannot write" ": No such file or directory"

FileSystem perms ?

$ cvs commit
cvs commit: Examining .
cvs: hash.c:312: findnode: Assertion `key ==== ((void *)0)' failed.===
cvs [[commit aborted]]: received abort signal

This happended when i commited a file, and due to a chmod failure the file needed to be removed from cvsroot.

I Was sharing the same cvsroot between Linux and Cygwin through SMB.


# create a cvs base
export CVSROOT=$HOME/var/lib/cvs/cvsroot/
mkdir -p ${CVSROOT} ; cvs init
# create a project
#cd ~/src/projectname
export PROJECT=`basename \`pwd\` `
cvs import -m original ${PROJECT} ${USER} original
cd ..
mv ${PROJECT} ${PROJECT}-orig
cvs co ${PROJECT}

how to avoid typing pass evertime ? ssh-keys ?

<zif> It all depends upon which kind of CVSROOT you use for this project. If this is a SSH cvs server (with CVS_RSH, for example), you may want to use a ssh-agent and ssh-add:

eval `ssh-agent`
ssh-add your-private-key-file
# do things...

If you use a plain old :pserver: CVS access, juste doing a 'cvs login' once should do the trick. </zif>


Getting :

cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/${PACKAGE} login  \
&&  cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/${PACKAGE} co .


cvs.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/16 12:22 (external edit)
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