This Device needs ground on plug if not it will not boot (turn relay on)
Double check the turbo connector, LED should be on on boot:
jumper settings J1 - MMU: ON - disable J2 - 68000 fallback mode: OFF - enable J3 - CPU cache: ON - disable J9 - autoboot: OFF - disable J11 - RAM: ON - not installed, OFF - installed J13 - SIMM size: ON - 4 MB, OFF - 1 MB J4, J6 ON J5, J7, J8, J10, J12 OFF CN7, CN18 1-2 CN8, CN11 2-3 - reserved
The turbo switch should be connected to the jumper pins near the bottom of hdd (J2)
the fan should be connected to the jumper pins near the top of hdd in middle of scsi connector it also hz aligned (CH14 , red goes to + (on left))
./C/SKick ./C/ ./C/ExtractKickstart ./Prefs/Env-Archive/Sys/ ./Devs/kickstarts/Kick39106.A1200 ./Devs/kickstarts/kick34005.A500.PAT ./Devs/kickstarts/Kick39106.A1200.kshd ./Devs/kickstarts/Kick34005.A500 ./Devs/kickstarts/Kick39106.A1200.kick ./Devs/kickstarts/kick39106.A1200.RTB ./Devs/kickstarts/kick34005.A500.RTB ./Devs/
Reinstall from scratch, on UAE
add RAM
add : FpU : optional 68882 @ 40 MHz PGA
Add : PC286 Card WisH