Hi I react to your bug report about power button. I made additional tests on this. This following sequence works fine for me: login to your LXDE session (Lubuntu settings in the combo box) open a terminal kill xfce4-power-manager: xfce4-power-manager -q openbox --reconfigure start xfce4-power-manager: xfce4-power-manager Now your power button should work... My opinion is there is a conflict between xfce4-power-manager and LXDE and order in which these applications start seems to be important... strange... Oh, I assume you have following lines added inside your $HOME/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml file: <keybind key="XF86PowerOff"> <action name="Execute"> <command>lubuntu-logout</command> </action> </keybind> Feel free to add these informations to your bug report: I don't have any account to add this myself. I hope we'll obtain a fix with all these details... Best regards Jean-Philippe
I implemented a fix to automatically solve this bug. copy in your $HOME chmod u+x $HOME/ copy power_manager_bug_solver.desktop in $HOME/.config/autostart It should do the trick waiting a real fix by official developer... Best regards Jean-Philippe #!/usr/bin/env bash function main { local idx for ((idx=0; idx<10; ++idx)) do local pid1 if pid1="$(pidof xfce4-power-manager)" then sleep 10 pid1="$(pidof xfce4-power-manager)" || break echo "PID to terminate: ${pid1}" xfce4-power-manager -q sleep 10 local pid2 if pid2="$(pidof xfce4-power-manager)" then echo "PID(${pid2}) is alive" return fi echo "terminated PID: ${pid1}" break fi sleep 1 done openbox --reconfigure xfce4-power-manager echo "actual PID: $(pidof xfce4-power-manager)" } main "$@" &> "/tmp/power_manager_bug_solver.log" [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Solve power manager bug Comment=Solve conflict between xfce4-power-manager and power button Exec=./ Name[fr_FR]=Résoud le bug du gestionnaire d'alimentation Comment[fr_FR]=Résoud le conflit entre xfce4-power-manager et le bouton d'alimentation
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