@related: Earth indonesia indonesie
@geo: http://rzr.online.fr/icbm/-8.057,114.245
Went there , believe it or not but I don't have many proof, because our digital camera went stuck (Kodak EasyShare cx) …
Beside the spirit of the “eye of the earth” mystical power, I suspect that some electronic (chemical) sensors were perturbed by the high density of sulfer in the air, and a security system locked it. (Happy ending : Half a day after It resurected … )
Tip, Ask to local agency for going there or contact this this “skateboarder guide” :
Someone asked, I used BIMO services (530KIDR*2 for jogya to bromo/ijen/kentapeng 3d/2n) but the prices online are more expensive… anyway whatever the price is it worth to be spent
Trip: Surabaya (train/bus 3h) Probolinggo then (bus) situbondo (bus) bondowoso (van 3h) Sempol (2h) Paltuding
Sempol : http://www.maplandia.com/indonesia/jawa-timur/bondowoso/sempol
Transport / Driver / Guides Kawa Ijen :
<iframe frameborder="0" width="480" height="270" src="http://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/xll0nw"></iframe><br /><a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xll0nw_docu-france5-les-routes-de-l-impossible-indonesie-les-forcats-du-volcan-dim-09-janv-2011_tv" target="_blank">Docu_France5_Les routes de l'impossible -...</a> <i>par <a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/buggeeXP" target="_blank">buggeeXP</a></i>