@related : Humour Joke.fr Humour.fr Humour.en
April Fool's Day is postponed due to technical difficulties.
Stage 1 - SMART
This is when you suddenly become an expert on every subject in the known universe.
You know you know everything and you want to pass on your knowledge to anyone who will listen.
At this stage you are always RIGHT.
And of course, the person you are talking to is very WRONG. this makes for an interesting argument when both parties are SMART.
This is when you realise that you are the BEST LOOKING person in the entire bar and that people fancy you.
You can go up to a perfect stranger knowing they fancy you and really want to talk to you.
Bear in mind that you are still SMART, so you can talk to this person about any subject under the sun.
Stage 3 - RICH
This is when you suddenly become the richest person in the world. You can buy drinks for the entire bar because you have an armoured truck full of money parked behind the bar.
You can also make bets at this stage, because of course you're still SMART, so naturally, you will win all your bets.
It doesn't matter how much you bet 'cos you are RICH. You will also buy drinks for everyone that you fancy, because you are now the BEST LOOKING person in the world.
You are now ready to pick fights with anyone and everyone, especially those with whom you have been betting or arguing.
This is because nothing can hurt you. At this point you can also go up to the partners of the people who you fancy and challenge them to a battle of the wits or money.
You have no fear of losing this battle, because you are smart, you're RICH and Hell, you're better looking than them anyway
This is the final stage of Drunkenness. at this point you can do anything, because NO ONE CAN SEE YOU, You dance on a table to impress the people who you fancy because the rest of the people in the room cannot see you.
You are also invisible to the person who wants to fight you. You can walk through the street singing at the top of your lungs because no one can see or hear you and because you're still SMART you know ALL the words.
Stage 1 - Stupid
As you regain consciousness and begin to enjoy a flood of sensations only dimly remembered from previous hangovers, such as the pneumatic drill headache, cloying nausea and Guinness/Tetley/Baileys/(add tipple most consumed night before)
Two-Step, you realise that you have lost not only several hours of your life but the ability to concentrate on anything.
You are now officially stupid and will probably stay stupid until you get onto your third bacon sandwich.
Stage 2 - Ugly
Never entirely happy with the comic effects of the bathroom mirror first thing you are horrified to discover that you have now become even less attractive than you thought previously possible.
Not only has the combined effect of the booze and smoky/sweaty atmosphere given you a glorious collection of spots but you've either left your makeup on over night or are shaking so much that you now look like you've shaved with a sanding block
Unfortunately you are still too stupid to know better than to try paper over the cracks.
Stage 3 - Poor
Having crawled out of bed and got dressed you are about to shamble out the door when you discover that the money you got from the cashpoint to last idea what happened to it but the smell of curry on your coat/duvet leads you to suspect that you may have treated an entire rugby team to curry and lagers at some point, alternatively your pocket will have been picked or you will have given the taxi driver a 50 note by mistake.
Rationalising that you couldn't possibly have been that stupid and that you would remember being mugged, you come to believe that you were the only one who bought any drinks all night and start to loathe all humanity.
Stage 4 - Made of Glass
As you are now a stupid, ugly and poor sociopath, you embody most of the characteristics you hate in other people and your self respect plummets.
Your already fragile physical condition is made worse by this until you think you are likely to melt or shatter if handled at all roughly.
Stage 5 - Circus Freak
Luckily, any non-hungover person can spot this condition and its cause from a great distance.
Even better, they know that they can complete your misery by parading you in front of your colleagues/family/friends, shouting at you and insisting that you drink things with whole eggs and Worcestershire sauce in or eat greasy food as “its the only thing that will make you feel better”.
You are too stupid to know where to hide and too conspicuously ugly to get away with it, too poor to buy alka seltzer and too fragile to hit them.