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gadget [2015/01/11 20:56]
gadget [2022/04/16 12:23] (current)
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 +=== [[Geek]] loves [[Gadget]] : [[Wish]]===
 +  * http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/597507018/pebble-e-paper-watch-for-iphone-and-android
 +  * http://www.metawatch.org/
 +  * http://www.thinkgeek.com/cubegoodies/lights/7226/images/1088/
 +  * Spirograph watches
 +  * Glow in the dark : http://suck.uk.com
 +==== [[Geek]] loves [[Gadget]] : [[Sell]] ====
 +  * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_lamp
 +==== Rubiks toy ====
 +  * [[Rubiks]] Toys : Cube , Clock, Rings, Puzzle
 +  * [[Rubiks]] Clock : this 1998 jigsaw is evil :
 +You can find some at :
 +  * http://www.gizmodo.com/
 +  * http://www.drinkingbirds.com/html/science.html
 +  * http://www.itrmanager.com/article.php?oid=66762
 +===== Misc =====
 +MAGLEV 2005-05-30
 +  irc://irc.undernet.org/#gyro
 +===== LINKS =====
 +  * http://jackm.co.uk/posts/2015/01/11/the-simple-proof-of-the-tetris-lamp/
 +===== MORE =====
 +@TaG: PuzzlE [[Shopping]] [[WishList]] [[Keyboard]] [[ShortCut]] [[RSI]] [[gyro]]
 +<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/0YRKU-5O5ig" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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