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debian [2014/05/16 22:19]
debian [2022/11/29 11:41] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 +[[Debian]] is another [[GNU]]/[[Linux]]  distribution done by the non commercial [[Community]] for the [[OpenSource]] [[Community]].
 +  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian
 +===== Debian / [[RzR]] =====
 +  * http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?ubuntu=1&login=rzr@users.sf.net
 +  * http://wiki.debian.org/PhilippeCoval
 +  * http://portfolio.debian.net/result?email=rzr%40users.sf.net&showall=1&name=Philippe+Coval&gpgfp=&username=&nonddemail=rzr%40users.sf.net&aliothusername=rzr-guest&wikihomepage=RzR&forumsid=&mode=html&submit=Build+Debian+Member+Portfolio+URLs
 +Some custom packages : [[apt]] page  plus http://rzr.online.fr/linux.htm
 +  \su root
 +  wget -O- http://rzr.online.fr/docs/contribs/sources.list \
 +  >> /etc/apt/sources.list
 +  apt-get update
 +Stay tuned on my [[Wiki]] and mailing list @ http://rzr.online.fr/contact.htm
 +ps: I am looking for any free [[Hosting]] services, because I am short on [[Disk]]Space
 +  * [[ToDo]] : [[dpkg]] ,  [[unicorn]] , [[MathsSoftware]], [[OpenAL]], [[Eclipse]]
 +  * irc://irc.freenode.net/debian
 +  * irc://irc.freenode.net/debian-devel
 +  * http://people.debian.org/~debacle/refcard/
 +  * http://platform.progeny.com/anaconda/
 +  * http://www.apt-get.org
 +  * http://pdo.debian.net
 +===== DEBIAN UTILS =====
 +  apt-setup
 +  apt-get install
 +  apt-get update
 +  apt-get upgrade
 +  apt-cache search apt
 +bugs ?
 + sudo apt-get -f install
 + sudo apt-get remove --purge $package
 + sudo dpkg -r -P --force-all $package
 +=== [[Kernel]] drivers===
 +  apt-get install module-assistant
 +  m-a auto-install [[unicorn]]
 +a la place de :
 +  cd /usr/src/ && tar xfvz unicorn.tar.gz
 +  cd /usr/src/kernel-headers-`uname -r`
 +  make-kpkg modules
 +  [[make-kpkg]] # for building [[Linux]] [[Kernel]] on Debian]]
 +  dpkg -S sh
 +  # configure
 +  dpkg-reconfigure debconf
 +  gkdebconf
 +  # install remaining pkg
 +  apt-get -m  -u upgrade --no-download
 +  debfoster
 +  # update-alternatives --config x-session-manager
 +  # how do upgrade to sarge ?
 +  apt-get update -t sarge
 +  update-rc.d
 +  invoke-rc.d
 +  synaptic
 +  invoke-rc.d ntpdate start
 +Moving ntpdate in the crontab, will make the boot process faster
 +  update-rc.d -f ntpdate remove
 +  # cat /etc/crontab
 +  # 42  *   * * *   ntpdate ntp.cict.fr >> $LOG 2>> $LOG
 +  ll /etc/rc3.d/*ntp*
 +  lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 20 2003-10-15 23:04 /etc/rc3.d/S23ntp-simple -> ../init.d/ntp-simple
 +Cache .deb : http://www.andesi.org/index.php?node=27
 +add this to crontab
 +  yes | apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade
 +to downgrade :
 +=== Tips===
 +  apt-get remove ` deborphan `
 +  apt-get remove ` dpkg --get-selections *-dev | cut -f 1 `
 +  aptitude remove ~poptional
 +  aptitude remove ~pextra
 +  apt-get remove kdelibs4-doc nexuiz-data kdelibs-data qt3-doc vim-runtime gnus libqcad0 xscreensaver frozen-bubble avidemux diveintopython gcc-3.3 qt3-dev-tools doxygen freewrl fftw3 graphviz gribi libqt3-headers gcc-2.95 docbook jikes gnuplot-nox gcc
 +  PACKAGE=atitvout 
 +  svn co svn+ssh://${USER}-guest@svn.debian.org/svn/collab-maint/deb-maint/${PACKAGE}/trunk ${PACKAGE}
 +[[Install]] :
 +  * http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer
 +  * http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/sarge/main/installer-i386/current//images/floppy/
 +post debian install :
 +  * http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/debian/chapter/book/index.html
 +  * http://wiki.debian.net/index.cgi?DebianFrench  
 +  * http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/virtual-package-names-list.txt
 +ToDo : modules_assistant , auto-apt
 +===== LINKS =====
 +  * https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current/multi-arch/# IsO
 +  * http://www.linuks.mine.nu/debian-worldmap/# Debian Users map :ObsoletE:
 +  * http://www.andesi.org/# [[Debian]] 
 +===== MORE =====
 +@TaG: [[Linux]] [[Ubuntu]] [[Knoppix]] [[Sun]] [[Debian.fr]] [[dpkg]] [[Perl]] [[apt]] [[make-kpkg]] InstalL
debian.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/11/29 11:41 by rzr
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