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css [2017/08/07 10:01]
css [2022/04/16 12:22] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 +===== Cascading Style Sheet =====
 +  * http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/propidx.html # [[Reference]]
 +  * http://rzr.online.fr/isbn:2212115709 # Book
 +  * http://www.midwinter-dg.com/blog_demos/css-isometric-text/# CsS3
 +  * https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/css/# LearN
 +  * http://CssZenGarden.com/
 +  * http://openweb.eu.org/
 +  * [[French]] Course :
 +  ** http://jm.trivial.free.fr/LL/presentations/presentation-xhtml-css-13-janvier.pdf
 +  ** http://jm.trivial.free.fr/LL/presentations/documents-presentation-xhtml-css.tar.gz
 +  * http://verekia.com/initializr/responsive-template
 +===== MISC =====
 +  * http://codepen.io/outofroutine/pen/rfHol
 +  * http://codepen.io/jakealbaugh/full/PwLXXP/
 +  * https://developer.tizen.org/community/code-snippet/web-code-snippet/planet-orbiting-around-sun
 +  * https://jsfiddle.net/# SoftWare TooL
 +  * https://github.com/xieranmaya/blog/issues/12# MathS
 +===== MORE =====
 +@tag: HtmL [[XML]] [[ergo]] [[web]] [[style]] [[xml]] [[html5]]
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