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convention [2018/03/28 15:41]
convention [2023/08/14 09:40] (current)
rzr [MISC]
Line 1: Line 1:
 +[[Convention]]s / Recommendations  for Better [[Integration]]
 +===== software =====
 +  * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prettyprint
 +  * http://editorconfig.org/
 +  * https://github.com/zeke/semantic-pull-requests#
 +  * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1855# EMaiL
 +@TaG: [[Programming]]
 +===== commit ====
 +  * https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/# GiT CommiT LoG
 +    * https://www.openembedded.org/wiki/Commit_Patch_Message_Guidelines#Patch_Header_Recommendations:_Upstream-Status
 +===== References =====
 +Try to follow the Existing coding standards :
 +  * http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards_toc.html
 +  * http://en.tldp.org/HOWTO/Software-Release-Practice-HOWTO/distpractice.html
 +  * http://www.possibility.com/Cpp/CppCodingStandard.html
 +  * http://home.gna.org/ngl/doc_coding.html
 +  * http://ima.udg.es/~frederic/ResearchInterest/ToddHoffGL.html# [[CPlusPlus]] 
 +  * http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cppguide.xml#Names_and_Order_of_Includes
 +  * http://lxr.linux.no/linux/Documentation/CodingStyle# [[Linux]] : 
 +  * http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/C-C++Beautifier-HOWTO.html
 +  * http://news.nopcode.org/miau/wk/BadCoding
 +  * https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/fr/wiki/TOFU_%28Usenet_et_Internet%29# [[email]] : Read top reply bottom
 +  * https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/Native_Platform_Coding_Idiom_and_Style_Guide# TizeN
 +==== Project Structure ====
 +Source Directory  package (use lowercase and add '-' and version to filename) :
 +prefered :
 +  * [[Debian]] , note that last - preceade version number )
 +  tar cfvz package-name_1.2.0.tar.gz package-name-1.2.0/
 +  * [[Windows]] keep dot for extensions
 +  zip package_name-1_2_0.zip package_name-1.2.0/
 +Avoid :
 +  PackageName or package_name for dir and archives
 +makefile hints :
 +  ${PACKAGE}-$(VERS).tar.gz:
 + @ls $(SRC) | sed s:^:${PACKAGE}-$(VERS)/: >MANIFEST
 + @(cd ..; ln -s ${PACKAGE} ${PACKAGE}-$(VERS))
 + (cd ..; tar -czvf ${PACKAGE}/${PACKAGE}-$(VERS).tar.gz `cat ${PACKAGE}/MANIFEST`)
 + @(cd ..; rm ${PACKAGE}-$(VERS))
 +Please provide those additional files :
 +  * COPYING : a copy of the [[Licence]], check http://opensource.org
 +  * AUTHORS : all authors and contibutors
 +  * README : short description
 +  * INSTALL : how to install
 +  * NEWS : new features, since last package
 +==== Sources ====
 +  * line length must not exceed 79 characters (75 preffered emails , 77cols*50row for a4)
 +  * indentation should be carried out by <space> characters only
 +  (no <TAB>, as this is interpreted very differently between editors)
 +  * indentation: Emacs-C-mode-style (tab=2 chars)
 +this is also  easy to achieve with "indent" without any parameters (GNU style),  exceptions (not mandatory):
 +  * on  [[MSVC]] : Tools / Options / Edit / [[C++]] : indent=block   tab=space , tab=2 ident=2
 +Preferred :
 +  * no trailing white space at the end of a line
 +  * no DOS line endings (not CRLF but just LF)
 +[[Software]] : http://sourceforge.net/projects/astyle/
 +==== [[Java]] ====
 +Follow sun conventions
 +  * [[java]]: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/codeconv-138413.html
 +  * all preprocessor definitions/macros are starting CAPS
 +  * filenames lowercase
 +Usefull decoration (note the 80 cols delimitor and RCS keywords )
 +  /* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */
 +  /* #ident "$Id: myfile.h,v 1.1 YYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS ${USER} Exp $"
 +  /* Author: ${LOGNAME} <${EMAIL}>, (C) YYYY - $Author:$
 +  /* Copyright: See README file that comes with this distribution
 +  /****************************************************************************/
 +  #ifndef MyFile_h_
 +  #define MyFile_h_
 +  #endif
 +  /* vi: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab: */
 +  /* #eof "$Id: myfile.h,v 1.1 YYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS ${USER} Exp $" */
 +see C
 +  //* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
 +  //* vim: ft=cpp:expandtab:ts=2:sw=4:softtabstop=4:
 +  //* #ident "$Id: file.h,v 1.1 YYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS ${USER} Exp $"
 +  //* SPDX-Licence-Identifier: GPL3+
 +  //* Author: ${LOGNAME} <${EMAIL}>, (C) YYYY - $Author:$
 +  //* Copyright: See README file that comes with this distribution
 +  //****************************************************************************/
 +  #ifndef ClassName_h_
 +  #define ClassName_h_
 +  class ClassName
 +  {
 +  public:
 +   void functionName();
 +   void functionContents()
 +   { //<= jump to funct
 +     if ( true ) { // comment
 +         int a=42;
 +      } //<= aligned with if statetement 
 +   }
 +  protected:
 +   char* p_name_;
 +  };
 +  #endif
 +  /* #eof "$Id: file.h,v 1.1 YYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS ${USER} Exp $" */
 +  file.h # namespace "foo" { #include "foo.hpp" } 
 +  file.hxx # templates + .cxx for implem
 +  * https://isocpp.org/wiki/faq/coding-standards#
 +  * http://isocpp.github.io/CppCoreGuidelines/CppCoreGuidelines#Rt-raise#
 +==== Other Languages ====
 +Try to reuse previous conventions without overloading default ones
 +  static char THIS_FILE[[]] = **FILE**; // [[WinCE]]
 +ViM : GnuMake :
 +  # ex: set tabstop=4 noexpandtab:
 +Python :
 +  # -*- mode: python; python-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
 +===== TODO =====
 +  * Gnumake: # ex: set tabstop=4 noexpandtab:
 +  * EmacS
 +  * https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/#
 +===== MISC =====
 +Filename : 16 char ( [[Peekton]] )
 +  * http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/html_node/Change-Logs.html#Change-Logs
 +  * http://www.debian.org/MailingLists/#codeofconduct http://people.debian.org/~enrico/dcg/
 +  * [[Portability]] : http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/ACE.html
 +  * http://live.gnome.org/Rygel/CodingStyle
 +  * https://wiki.iotivity.org/iotivity_c_coding_standards
 +  * http://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/# CommiT
 +  * https://dhwthompson.com/2019/my-favourite-git-commit
 +  * http://www.lanana.org/lsbreg/instructions.html
 +  * http://www.lanana.org/lsbreg/providers/index.html
 +  * https://www.gobolinux.org/
 +  * https://spdx.github.io/spdx-spec/appendix-IX-file-tags/#
 +  * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1855#
 +MisC :
 +  * https://www.m31coding.com/blog/semantic-reviews.html# 
 +===== MORE =====
 +@TaG: [[Programming]] MetH Commit GiT
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