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china [2016/11/06 01:19]
china [2022/04/16 12:22] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 +===== TRIP 2014 =====
 +==== 0 plane ====
 +depart RnS.fr
 +arrive a terminal 2g a CdG.fr
 +la scanette declare af116 "vol inconnu"
 +18h19 navette
 +http://xe.com 10 CNY = 1.27 EuR
 +internet gratos pour quelques min sur des ordi
 +et wifi unlimited
 +23h25 Gate L44
 +0:10 TakeOff
 +le systeme in flight entertainement laggue 
 +reset complet annonce' durant 20min
 +  andmore/ chat on board /
 +  Hi-Ch@t 2004-2012 DTI SoftWare
 +==== 1 PVG.cn ====
 +Reveil ds l'avion difficile
 +j ai l impression d avoir mal digerer
 +le plat chinois
 +4 pers sont aussi malades
 +le charge mon pointer lazer par l usb de l'IFE InFlightEntertaintment (DTI?)
 +Sinon somnole' une bonne partie du trajet
 +ToDo the master of nets garden suzhou
 +Arrive' a PvG.cn airport
 +  Free vous accompagne en Chine. 
 +  Composez le +33 au lieu de 0 pour appeler un numro francais, 
 +  le +86 pour un numro local 
 +  et le 666 pour joindre votre messagerie vocale.
 +  Depuis la Chine, appels mis vers la France 2.19TTC/min, 
 +  vers la Chine 1.50TTC/min,
 +  appels recus 0.95TTC/min, 
 +  SMS mis 0.27TTC/SMS, MMS mis 1.05TTC/MMS, 
 +  MMS recu 0.76TTC/MMS, data 9.70TTC/Mo.
 +WiFi ? besoin d'un numero de GsM pour se faire envoyer le code par SmS
 +4k did not work at spd
 +Free? Service SIA login par SMS
 +CasH :  2500 CNY @ bank of china (max 2.5K)
 +17:20 je commence la queue pour trouver taxi
 +18:25 le taxi est perdu je le remet ds les rails avec mon GpS
 +Avec les voies en chinois telechargees 
 +a l avance merci NokiA N9
 +19h HoteL super chambre au 20etage en face du park (2019)
 +  * http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travle/shamp-shanghai-marriott-hotel-parkview/
 +==== 2 zaibei ====
 +debit 1.5 MBps
 +up de photo
 +conactez moi pour l url
 +==== 3 bund ====
 +conf sauvee 
 +the bund
 +The Bund Sightseeing Tunnel (childish)
 +<html><iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/9ugUDYcr9hw?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></html>
 +==== 4 tower ====
 +Ici c est vraiment tres suprenant j ai vraiment l impression d etre ds un monde a part tout est icomprehanssible mais en suivant les flux on arrive a faire des chosesLa societee chinoise ou shanghai du moins me semble tres souple ...
 +tower tv 220 CNY
 +pededtrian st
 +plum drink
 +<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Z8WeJD2lc30?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
 +==== 5 french consession ====
 +upload 15kBps
 +boisson etrange a base de the
 +metro 7 + 1 : french consession
 +direction digital plaza 
 +repas food republic tai genre food court
 +dans le mall derierre la sphere
 +loupe la cathedrale
 +Je prends une boisson lemon kumkat et visite  divers parks (photos de marriages, chats)
 +reperage resto @ FC
 +passage a la bib , expo hitech health iot
 +  * https://wifi.library.sh.cn/ (bloque')
 +Dinner : http://www.lostheaven.com.cn/home.aspx
 +==== 6 xcj ====
 +'学无止境'. ~ 'There is no limit to knowledge.'
 +I make things 
 +debugged arduino wifi adapter
 +chip :i usr-wifi232 low v2.3 
 +  * http://en.usr.cn/download/USR-WIFI232-T.pdf
 +  * http://en.usr.cn/Tiny-size-low-power-uart-ttl-to-802.11b-g-n-low-price-wifi-module
 +  * http://2xod.com/articles/Arduino_Wifi_With_Hi_Flying_HF-LPT100_or_USR-WIFI232/
 +Multiwii ez quadrscopter miss gyro ~7EUR
 +  * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bV5OuWYWjnc
 +  * https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ezio.multiwii&hl=en
 +  * http://ezio.com/
 +<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/SGx5hm4jwNQ?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
 +erreur le musee ferme les entrees a 16h et non 17
 +pub tv sur les mur du tunnel du metro
 +persitance retiniennne .. un film de 20sec a 10 im/s
 +ca fait 200 tvs dediees a de la pub intrusive...
 +fake market 
 +FirefoxOs install @cbs
 +restaurant shanghais : fameux raviolli soupe inside
 +  * http://recetteschinoises.blogspot.fr/2012/09/xiao-long-bao-bouchee-vapeur-juteuse.html
 +ResourceS :
 +  * http://travel.cnn.com/shanghai/play/xinchejian-hackerspace-shanghai-795055
 +==== 7 Sat yu yuan garden ====
 +Had many issues with my return flight 
 +and airfrance custommer support done 
 +by twitter only makes the thing
 +more challenging behind CgFw
 +Anyway without that everything was wonderful... Even my bag full of chinese crap ;)
 +TODO :
 +2014-10-25 :  AF111 cancelled 23:30 @ Shanghai (PVG) / 04:35 @ Paris (CDG)
 +We inform you of a change of date of your flight on 25OCT from SHANGHAI to PARIS:
 +Departure on 26OCT at 0755 under flight number AF111 from PVG1,  arrival at CDG at 1300.
 +Tracker is not updated in realtime :
 +CodeShare  MU8661 ChinaEastern
 +Sunday 26 October 2014
 +AF111 - Economy
 +Status : Confirmed 
 +Shanghai (PVG) - China
 +Check-In Deadline  :  06h55
 +Paris (CDG) - France
 +Operated by : Air France
 +Class : B
 +Aircraft : Airbus A380-800
 +Duration : 12h05mn non stop
 +Inflight meal served : dinner. Breakfast.
 +Baggage allowance : 1  authorized item of baggage of 23 kg/50 lbs or less 
 +Your reservation for the flight from Paris CDG to Rennes RNS has been changed.For technical reasons, we are not able to proceed with online check-in for this flight. Please check in at the airport, using a Self-Service Kiosk or at the check-in counter.Below are the new flight details. null 
 +Bought lot of crap at yunyuan garden 
 +frozen drink at  :
 +<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/_QtGiQXI0rg?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
 +Eat japannese cooked stewers at Ninjyang Road East
 +Pas vraiment ete gene' par la polution
 +vu quelques quelques produits ds un magasin
 +mais je crois que cette semaine etait particulierement clemente
 +metro ligne 2 stopped before airport
 +shared taxi with german guy
 +for ~120 CYN or RiMB
 +==== 8 Sun  CdG ====
 +13h16 CdG
 +I need direct url to connectbot.apk
 +importe la version pour android 2.3
 +egalement un howto pour utiliser 
 +twitter en command line sous debian.
 +Je suis devant mon avion af111 a PvG
 +direction cdg : status delayed..
 +j'essayerrais de changer CdgRns 
 +par le train une x en france
 +18h45 decollage CdgTls
 +Air france me spame de sms invalides
 +j explique les pbs de services clients
 +qui ne peuvent matcher via twitter
 +des pays qui bloque l access au site
 +les gentilles hotesses au sol
 +m expliquent gentiment
 +qui si c etait vrai ca se saurait
 +qu elle peuvent rien faire
 +et que si j ai une reclamation
 +a faire il faut le faire avec le nain ternet
 +bienvenue ds la psycho rigiditude
 +af7788 17:45 CdgTls 19:35
 +a53127 19:50 TlsRns 21.30
 +dep=20:20 gate=1
 +20h TlS.fr
 +Porte de coresp bloquee j ai du refaire le secu check et courir comme un tare pendant 20min trouver la porte a l oppose des sorties
 +Je suis ds le bus pour l avion dest rns en nage ...
 +21:30 RnS.fr
 +==== CONTACT ====
 +  * http://rzr.online.fr/q/china
 +in case of internet restriction i opened local webmail
 +mailto rzrfreefr (a) qq.com
 +Backup Email 2562774685@qq.com
 +  * http://en.mail.qq.com/
 +  * http://user.qzone.qq.com/1816586446#  
 +  * http://www.weibo.com/u/5333634123/home
 +  * http://www.weibo.com/5333634123/Bs3QZwbGU?mod=weibotime
 +  * http://i.youku.com/u/UMTgxNTM3MjQyMA==
 +  * https://web.wechat.com/?lang=en_US
 +==== MISC ====
 +    October 2014      
 +Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  
 +          1  2  3  4  
 + 5  6  7  8  9 10 11  
 +12 13 14 15 16 17[18  
 +19 20 21 22 23 24 25]  
 +26 27 28 29 30 31 
 +===== INFOS =====
 +  * https://fr.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Chine
 +  * http://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/?Amount=10&From=CNY&To=EUR# 10.00 CNY = 1.28680 EUR
 +  * http://www.websitepulse.com/help/testtools.china-test.html
 +  * http://www.wikihow.com/Access-Wikipedia-in-China
 +  * http://www.miniwiki.org
 +  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_websites_blocked_in_China
 +  * https://en.greatfire.org/https/fr.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Chine
 +  * http://www.blockedinchina.net/?siteurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FTizen%2Fnew%2F
 +=== VISA ===
 +  * http://www.vsi-visa.com/form/contact
 +  * https://fr.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Chine#Aller
 +  * http://www.amb-chine.fr/fra/zgzfg/zgsg/lsb/qzyw/t1090864.htm
 +  * http://voyageforum.com/v.f?post=4868939;search_string=%20centres%20de%20visa%20%20;page=unread#unread
 +  * http://www.routard.com/guide/chine/738/avant_le_depart.htm
 +  * http://visaforchina.fr/
 +  * https://visas-express.fr/traveler-information.php
 +  * http://www.amb-chine.fr/fra/zgzfg/zgsg/lsb/qzyw/
 +  * http://voyageforum.com/v.f?post=6739058;page=last;#last
 +  * http://voyageforum.com/v.f?post=5470335;page=last;#last ActionVisas
 +  * http://www.action-visas.com/public/?destination=CN&rubrique=visas
 +=== PLACES ===
 +  * https://www.tizen.org/events/tizen-developer-summit/shanghai-2014
 +  * http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/shamp-shanghai-marriott-hotel-parkview/ 2K CNY / 2nights
 +  * http://here.com/china/shanghai/guangzhong-rd-w/map=31.277149,121.440109,17/title=Guangzhong%20Rd%20W
 +  * http://here.com/31.2824,121.4507947,15,0,0,normal.day# 333 Guang Zhong Road West,Zhabei District Shanghai 200072 China
 +===== WIP =====
 +  * https://fr.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Shanghai
 +  * https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Shanghai
 +  * temple du boudha de jade
 +  * le bound 
 +  * villes près de Shanghai, par exemple, Suzhou, Nanjing, Hangzhou, le temps pour y aller de Shanghai est environ une heure et demie en train.
 +  * Xintiandi
 +  * Taikang Lu 
 +  * l'avenue Nanjin road c'est une rue piétonne, l'équivalent des champs-élysées de Paris, les soirs c'est super. 
 +  * http://voyageforum.com/v.f?post=6075617;search_string=shanghai;page=unread#unread HoteL
 +  * http://www.yhachina.com/ls.php?id=17&hostID=2
 +  * http://voyageforum.com/v.f?post=2931670;#2931670
 +  * http://www.smartshanghai.com/listings/shopping/electronics/
 +===== PLANNING =====
 +  * 0 Su : https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Shanghai/Changning
 +  * 1 Mo : https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Shanghai/Zhabei
 +  * 2 Tu : https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Shanghai/French_Concession#Buy Xujiahui 
 +  * 3 We : http://wiki.xinchejian.com/wiki/Category:Wednesday
 +    * https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Shanghai/Jing%27an
 +    * http://voyageforum.com/discussion/chine-metro-shanghai-jing-an-temple-jinke-road-d3528808/
 +    * http://here.com/china/shanghai/hostel/ming-town-e-tour-youth-hostel--156wtw3s-41429530be6f4f3b81d88a5d0ad4e268
 +    * http://www.booking.com/hotel/cn/shanghai-le-tour-traveler-s-rest-youth-hostel.en-us.html
 +    * http://www.letourshanghai.com/
 +  * 4 Th : https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Shanghai/Pudong
 +    * http://voyageforum.com/discussion/hotel-pudong-shanghai-d6474724/
 +    * http://here.com/31.2255165,121.4483846,19,0,0,normal.day
 +    * http://map.baidu.com/?newmap=1&shareurl=1&l=19&tn=B_NORMAL_MAP&c=13520527,3640522&cc=sh&i=-1,0&s=walk%26version%3D2.0%26c%3D289%26drag%3D1%26sc%3D289%26ec%3D289%26sy%3D0%26sn%3D1%24%24%24%2413520473.5%2C3640307.5%24%24%E4%B8%8A%E6%B5%B7%E5%B8%82%E9%9D%99%E5%AE%89%E5%8C%BA%E5%BB%B6%E5%AE%89%E8%A5%BF%E8%B7%AF217%E5%8F%B7%24%24%26st%3D0%26en%3D1%24%24%24%2413520441.5%2C3640662.5%24%24%E6%9C%AA%E7%9F%A5%E8%B7%AF%E6%AE%B5%24%2413520441.5%2C3640662.5%24%24%26et%3D1%26de%3D1&sc=0
 +    * Motel168 Hotel Pu Dong Xin Qu Ying Bin Da Dao 6001 Shang Hai Shi China
 +    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motel_168
 +    * http://wacts.com/hotels/hotelDesc.php?busName=Motel-168-Pudong-Airport-Branch&citySelected=Shanghai&country=China&busId=941
 +  * 5 Sa : http://info.flightmapper.net/flight/Air_France_AF_3767
 +===== ACCOMODATION =====
 +  * http://voyageforum.com/v.f?post=622732;search_string=Xujiahui;page=unread#unread
 +  * Ming Town E-Tour Youth Hostel, Shànghǎi, 57 Jiangyin Rd
 +  * http://voyageforum.com/v.f?post=4552564;search_string=shanghai;page=unread#unread# ToDo HoteL
 +  * http://here.com/31.229482,121.4731983,16,0,0,normal.day
 +  * http://here.com/directions/publicTransport/Ming_Town_E-Tour_Youth_Hostel,_Sh%C3%A0ngh%C7%8Ei,_57_Jiangyin_Rd%5B156wtw3s-41429530be6f4f3b81d88a5d0ad4e268%5D/Guangzhong_Rd_W%5B31.277149,121.440109%5D/@786c03021b852d465cd12901f2d8bb03/map=30.7512777,14.0625,13,0,0,normal.day
 +  * http://here.com/china/shanghai/hotel/motel-168-shanghai-pudong-avenue--156wtw3y-08966226015f4bfda735df733dd3bf2d
 +  * http://here.com/directions/walk/Motel_168_%28Shanghai_Pudong_Avenue%29,_Shanghai_Shanghai,_No.1_Pudong_Avenue_3040_Lane,_200129%5B156wtw3y-08966226015f4bfda735df733dd3bf2d%5D/Shanghai_Pudong_International_Airport_%28PVG%29,_Pu_Dong_Xin_Qu,_Qi_Hang_Lu_900,_Shang_Hai_Shi%5B156wtw97-11e8959cf4294ba2a60051cababa3eec%5D/@a79afc8d3ff753307872c30fb9b449ea/map=31.2160997,121.7278343,12,0,0,normal.day
 +  * http://m.homeinns.com/
 +  * http://pan.baidu.com/# Baidu cloud :
 +  * http://yunpan.360.cn/# 360 cloud :
 +===== PRATICAL ======
 +  * http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=1443006#post1443006
 +  * http://www.danwei.org/china_information/free_wireless_internet_hot_spo_1.php
 +  * http://voyageforum.com/discussion/carte-sim-en-chine-d5028469/
 +  * http://voyageforum.com/v.f?post=6195333;page=last;#last
 +==== LANG ====
 + * http://www.smarthanzi.net/# 学无止境
 +  学 : knowledge 
 +  无 : not 
 +  止 : halt 
 +  境 : boundary
 +===== 2015 =====
 +2015-09-14 RNS
 +TgvAir train tickets need to be given
 +at train station
 +CdG terminal 1 gate 40
 +setting up qq
 +IFE WiFi
 +15min free
 +  * http://www.hongkongairport.com/eng/wifi-landing/
 +  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Repulse_Bay
 +===== MISC ======
 +  * http://denali-sud.chez-alice.fr/fichexpe/fiche_Shanghai.htm
 +  * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mains_electricity_by_country
 +  * http://voyageforum.com/v.f?post=6195681;page=last;#last
 +  * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpf0XSw6VNg# TraiN
 +  * http://www.deccanchronicle.com/141101/technology-latest/article/china-starts-windows-wipe-out-switches-linux
 +  * http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25644# [[Nokia]] clone 
 +  * http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xf5u39_les-simpson-generique-made-in-china_tv
 +  * meanwhile in china http://www.breitbart.com/system/wire/upiUPI-20140630-102713-5262
 +  * http://www.parts4repair.com/nokia-n9-full-housing-cover-case-black/
 +  * http://rzr.online.fr/q/lcd# AuO H397VN01
 +  * http://voyageforum.com/forum/chine/
 +  * http://xinchejian.com/contact-us/
 +  * http://aqicn.org/city/shanghai/# EnvironemenT
 +  * http://www.zhihu.com/topic/19571067/newest# IT
 +  * http://arstechnica.com/science/2015/01/inside-ges-china-technology-center/# ToDo
 +  * http://www.bunniestudios.com/blog/?p=4297# TechnologY OpenSource
 +  * http://www.objetconnecte.com/chine-conquete-internet-des-objets/
 +  * http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/Chinese-firms-embrace-the-Internet-of-Things-30273004.html
 +===== MORE =====
 +@TaG: [[Asia]] MakeR
 +<iframe frameborder="0" width="480" height="276" src="http://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/xf5u39"></iframe><br /><a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xf5u39_les-simpson-generique-made-in-china_tv" target="_blank">Les Simpson G&eacute;n&eacute;rique Made in China [by Bansky]</a> <i>by <a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/ParlonsTV" target="_blank">ParlonsTV</a></i>
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